请根据以下的中文提示写一篇不少于70词的文章 在下次的外教课上和大家一起分享 提示:1机器人的外形

请根据以下的中文提示写一篇不少于70词的文章 在下次的外教课上和大家一起分享 提示:1机器人的外形 2机器人的作用 3你的感受

The robots are getting more and more popular now. It has been big news that Google has recently bought 7 companies related with robots, including the Boston Dynamics, which had designed the famous robot, big dog. However, normal people like us love the humanoid robots more. They have hands, arms, legs and foots just like us. These robots are made most in Japan. It is obvious that the robots are having great influence on our lives. They are widely used in industry manufactoring, such as assembling the iphone or painting the BMW cars. I feel this a great opportunity for us who love to play with artificial intelligence. We may change the world!