

We are paying more attention on many environmental problems we made before, one of them is the water emergence. Long time ago, we never noticed that we are in a situation that the water on the earth is less than before, and the consequence is continuing.
Until recently, we have started to acknowledge that we should make the bigger efforts to save water. Therefore, so save water from every single person is important. That is why we should save water at home. If every
saves water at home, then the water saved together would be a huge amout. And I have some suggestions following: we could cycle the water we
ed them to wash clothes to water the plants or to rush the toilet; when we wash our hands, we could turn the tap off for the moment we put soap on our hands etc.
So if we want to save water sincerely, we could save it at home.
我们关注对我们之前所作的许多环境问题,其中之一就是水的出现。很久以前,我们从来没有注意到,我们是在种情况下,地球上的水比以前少了,其结果是持续的。直到最近,我们已经开始认识到,我们应该作出更大努力节约用水。因此,所以每一个人从节约用水是非常重要的。这就是为什么我们要在家里节约用水。如果ussaves水每一人在家,然后保存的水一起将是巨大的数量。我有以下一些建议:我们可以循环只是用他们洗衣服水植物或冲马桶的水;当我们洗手,我们可以把水龙头暂时我们把肥皂对我们的手等等。所以如果我们要节约用水真诚,我们可以将它保存在家里。2.Our government is aiming to build a “conservation-oriented society” (节约型社会). I think it is every citizen's duty to achieve this goal.
As high students, what should we do?
We should focus our attention on details around ourselves. We should form the habit of saving water, especially when we brush our teeth and wash hands, and never leave water running unnecessarily. Meanwhile, we ought to save electricity. When we leave classrooms or our homes we should make sure that the light and some electrical equipments have been turned off. Do never make the light on in the daytime if unnecessary. We should also save our every piece of paper as well as other writing materials. What's more, we should offer to recommend our relatives and friends as well as our parents to save energy.
Dear fellow students, let's start right now, and spare no effort to do every little bit from every detail on!
第1个回答  2014-01-12
Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue?
With the improvement of the living standards, many people are no longer interested in the simple life style and some of them even feel ashamed to be thrifty. What they pursue is the latest fashion. In their eyes, thrift is already out of style.
However, still other people insist that thrift is a good virtue. They say that the strong power of production doesn’t mean that we are supposed to a live a luxurious life, because our natural resources are limited and some of them even are on the decline. Moreover, they hold that waste may lead to degradation of social atmosphere and environmental pollution as well.
As to me, I prefer the latter opinion. I believe “Waste not, want not.” The truth of this saying is not to give up comfort but to enhance efficiency. In fact, economic growth depends enormously on saving. Besides, there are still millions of Chinese living under poverty line. We can never afford reckless waste. Therefore, it is no doubt that thrift is still a good virtue that we should not give up
第2个回答  2014-01-12
Is Thrift Still a Good Virtue? With the improvement of the living standards, many people are no longer interested in the simple life style and some of them even feel ashamed to be thrifty. What th