the monkey is thin怎么翻译


"The monkey is thin"可以翻译为"这只猴子很瘦"或"这只猴子身体很瘦小"。


1. 猴子偷桃 (monkey stealing peaches)

2. 猴子捞月 (monkey fishing for the moon)

3. 猴年马月 (monkey year horse month, meaning a long time)

4. 猴子爬树 (monkey climbing a tree)

5. 猴子照镜 (monkey looking in the mirror, meaning someone who is arrogant or self-centered)

6. 猴头猴脑 (monkey-headed and monkey-brained, meaning someone who is foolish or silly)

关于"the monkey is thin"的双语例句:

1. The monkey is thin and looks a little weak. 这只猴子很瘦,看起来有点虚弱。

2. The monkey is thin, but it's still very agile and can jump from tree to tree. 这只猴子很瘦,但它仍然非常灵活,可以从树上跳到树上。

3. I feel sorry for the monkey because it's so thin and probably doesn't get enough to eat. 我为这只猴子感到难过,因为它太瘦了,可能没有足够的食物吃。

4. The zookeeper is worried about the monkey because it's too thin and might be sick. 动物管理员担心这只猴子太瘦了,可能生病了。

5. Despite being thin, the monkey is still very active and loves to play with the other monkeys. 尽管身体很瘦,这只猴子仍然非常活跃,喜欢和其他猴子一起玩。
