
3. Wrong time to sell via a mass retailer.
Sue has created a line of amazing skin care products. I know this, because I've tried her moisturizer. It's unlike anything I've come across, and I know moisturizers. She has identified the exact target market, has manufacturing and packaging contractors lined up, but she still needs to get her distribution channels nailed. Her dilemma is whether she should sell via a mass retailer like Costco (COST), as one has expressed interest.

What's broken: Nothing yet, but a break will occur if her company is the flavor of the month at the retailer, and consumers can't find her product in retail channels afterwards. I've seen this happen before, and it's not pretty. Say the retailer buys a zillion pallets of her product, so she ramps up manufacturing and cranks out product. The products are shipped to the retailer, it distributes to a few of its stores and all product is sold quickly (we hope!). Shortly thereafter, customers start to notice the results of the fabulous moisturizer (which Sue was paid little for, as the retailer demands massive discounts) and now they want more. They go to Costco, and it's not there. They go to the drug store/supermarket/(you name it) and it's not there. Meanwhile, what does Sue do with her manufacturing contractors? Tell them the massive order was a one-time gig? How does she predict demand?

How to fix it: I hate to say this, but I think Sue should hold off until she has her distribution nailed. Getting into a mass retailer is a fabulous advertising opportunity—yes, that's what it is—and she needs to have other channels set up to sell her product once her debut is over. Sue's products must be available elsewhere offline so repeat and word-of-mouth potential customers can find them. She can't count on them only buying via the Net.




第1个回答  2008-11-26
苏创造了惊人的护肤品线。 因为我尝试了她的润肤霜,我知道此。 它是不同的我遇到了的任何,并且我知道润肤霜。 她辨认了确切的目标市场,有制造业和包装的承包商仍然排队的,但是她需要得到她的分配渠道被钉牢。 她的困境是她是否应该通过象Costco (费用)的一个许多零售商卖,因为一个表达了兴趣。
什么是残破的: 什么都,而是断裂不会发生,如果她的公司是月的味道在零售商,并且消费者之后找不到她的在零售渠道的产品。 我看见此发生前面,并且它不是俏丽的。 购买她的产品无数板台,因此她说零售商ramps制造并且创造产品。 产品运输对零售商,它分布对一些它的商店,并且所有产品迅速被卖(我们希望!)。 紧接着,顾客开始注意的苏是有偿小的结果美妙的润肤霜(,零售商要求巨型的折扣)和他们现在想要更多。 他们去Costco,并且它不在那里。 他们去药店或超级市场(您命名它)和它不在那里。 同时,苏做什么与她的制造业承包商? 告诉巨型的命令是一个一次性违规记录的他们? 她怎么预言需求?
如何固定它: 我不喜欢说此,但是我认为苏应该拖延,直到她安排她的发行被钉牢。 进入一个许多零售商是美妙的广告的opportunity—yes,那是什么它is—and她需要有卖其他渠道的设定她的产品一次她的首演结束。 苏的产品一定在别处是可利用离线的,因此重复和口头表达潜在的顾客能找到他们。 她在只买通过网的他们不可能计数。