
马丁路德金是著名的美国民权领袖,1929年出生与美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市。一生致力于美国的民权运动。1963 年 8 月 28 日 ,由他领导的群众示威行动在“华盛顿工作与自由游行”( March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom )的运动过程中达到高潮,此次示威运动中有超过二十五万的抗议者聚集在华盛顿特区。在林肯纪念馆的台阶上,金发表了著名的演讲《我有一个梦想》,表达了自己希望给黑人以平等的权利的愿望。

Martin Luther King, Jr., was a great man who worked for racial equality and civil rights in the United States of America. He was born in 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia.he directed the peaceful march on Washington, D.C., of 250,000 people to whom he delivered his address, "l Have a Dream", he conferred with President John F. Kennedy and campaigned for President Lyndon B. Johnson;

这是有原文的 你那个是从这个翻译过来的
第1个回答  2012-03-10
Dr.Martin Luther King was a great man who worked for racial equality(种族平等)and civil rights(民权)in the United States.He was born on january 15th,1929.When he grew older,he was told that he could not play with his frends because they were white and he was black.