
核心竞争力概念自 1990年提出以来,运用企业能力理论揭示企业经营已成为当今世界的最新潮流。越来越多的人认识到,“企业要在未来的市赢得持续竞争优势并获取丰厚利润,必须拥有自己的核心竞争力”。任何一个想在未来竞争中获得成功的企业,必须明确为了赢得未来应怎样建立自己的核心竞争力。核心竞争力能为企业发展带来长期的竞争优势,依托核心产品的优势,可以取得相关产品或服务的领先地位,并创造出众多意料不到的新市场,它是企业竞争优势的根源。
纺织业是浙江省国民经济举足轻重的工业部门, 也是出口创汇的重要来源。但是在蓬勃发展的同时,浙江省中小民营纺织企业也面临着一系列的问题,包括其自身在发展过程中遇到的各种战略困境以及外部大环境对企业发展的制约。本文通过对浙江省中小民营纺织企业的竞争环境分析,再通过访谈和调查等方法收集杭州美源纺织有限公司的相关资料,得出该公司提升核心竞争力的对策,最终提出浙江中小民营纺织企业核心竞争力的提升对策。




The concept of core competence since 1990 has been proposed, using the theory reveals the business enterprise capabilities has become the latest trend in today's world. More and more people realize that "enterprises to the city in the future to win sustainable competitive advantage and to obtain huge profits, they must have their own core competencies." Any one want to compete in the future success of business, must be clear in order to win in the future how to build their own core competitiveness. The core competitiveness of enterprise development can bring long-term competitive advantage, relying on the advantages of core products, you can obtain the relevant product or service, leadership, and create a number of unexpected new markets, it is the source of competitive advantage.

    Zhejiang textile industry is a significant industrial sector economy, but also an important source of export earnings. However, in dynamic development, private small and medium textile enterprises in Zhejiang Province, also faced with a range of issues, including its own experience in the development process, as well as a variety of strategies for the plight of the external environment on enterprise development constraints. In this paper, private small and medium textile enterprises in Zhejiang Province's competitive environment analysis, and through methods such as interviews and surveys to collect US-source Textile Co., Ltd. Hangzhou relevant information come to enhance the core competitiveness of the company's response, the final proposed private small and medium textile enterprises in Zhejiang Province Measures to enhance the core competitiveness.

Key words: core competitiveness; textile enterprises; competitive environment; Countermeasures

Title: Zhejiang small private textile enterprise's core competitiveness of enhancing research

               - Yuen Textile Co., Ltd. in Hangzhou, for example the United States
第1个回答  2010-01-22