
• 教育背景
2002/09-2005/06 军事经济学院(武汉) 经济管理专业 本科
1994/09-1996/06 中国工商银行杭州金融管理学院 银行管理专业 专科

• 职业经历
2008/7-至今 信诚人寿浙江分公司,区域经理

 主要工作职责和日常工作内容:
网点开拓; 与签约银行进行沟通协调,重点处理与分行个金负责人、支行行长、分管行长及个金总的关系; 处理客户经理遇到的疑难杂症问题; 组织召开大型产品说明会、期交训练营 、招聘培训新员工及培训银行相关人员; 下属12人。
 工作业绩和工作表现:
已经在杭州地区建立丰富的客户资源(银行、大客户),具有丰富的拜访银行及大客户的经验; 任区域经理期间,组织建立了优秀稳健的客户经理队伍,渠道业绩一直平稳领先,在2008信诚总公司高峰会中,所辖团队有五人全国排名前八,为团队的发展奠定了扎实的基础; 在公司直销渠道配合销售方面也积累了一定的经验和大量的客户资源; 开拓了宁波银行杭州分行,开拓了广发宝善、湖墅、萧东、清泰等支行及中信富阳支行。
2008/06-2007/07 太平人寿浙江分公司 区域总监

 主要工作职责和日常工作内容:
网点开拓;与签约银行进行沟通协调,重点处理与支行行长、分管行长及个金总的关系; 处理客户经理遇到的疑难杂症问题; 组织召开大型产品说明会; 招聘培训新员工及培训银行相关人员; 下属11人。
 工作业绩和工作表现:
在太平人寿浙江分公司任区域总监期间 ,除了主管原有的工行5 个支行外,还新开拓了浦发杭州分行5家支行,开拓了工行临安支行、城西支行、下沙经济开发区支行、解放路支行,开拓了中行临安支行、农行城西支行,使这些支行的保险业绩实现了零的突破,并有了显著增长。
2007/06-2007/01 太平人寿浙江分公司 高级客户经理

 主要工作职责和日常工作内容:
 工作业绩和工作表现:
仍取得全省第一的成绩,获银保高峰会“高峰会会长”称号。 期
2006/12-2000/4 湖北省工商银行内审合规部 现场一部经理
2000/03-1992/7 陕西省工商银行个金部、会计结算部 科员、副主任科员、主任科员

Education background
2002/09-2005/06 military economic institute (wuhan) economic management bachelor's degree
1994/09-1996/2006 hangzhou financial management, industrial and commercial bank of China, bank management professional institute specialized subject

, professional experience
Since July 2008 / - zhejiang branch of life, citic regional manager

 main duties and daily work content:
Network development, Coordinate with the signing, bank branch dealing with gold, the governor, and the governor subbranch of a gold in charge; To handle customer manager encounter difficulty miscellaneous disease problem, Organization of large product presentation at camp, into the new employee recruitment and training, and relevant personnel training bank, Subordinate 12 people.
 performance and performance:
In hangzhou area has established the rich client resources (bank, big customers), has the rich client visit bank and experience. As the regional manager, organization established excellent stable customer manager team, steady performance, leading channels in 2008 xincheng, have a summit meeting corporation group has five national top eight, for the development of solid team based, In company with direct channel sales experience is accumulated and customer resource, The ningbo bank hangzhou branch, the negotiable treasure, living, XiaoDong QingTai, lake and citic fuyang subbranch of such branch.
In 2006-2007-2008 / area of zhejiang branch peaceful life 2007

 main duties and daily work content:
Network development, Coordinate with the signing, bank deal with the governor, and the governor subbranch of a gold in charge; To handle customer manager encounter difficulty miscellaneous disease problem, Organizations held large products presentation, New staff recruitment and training and the training of bank related personnel, 11 subsidiary.
 performance and performance:
In any area of zhejiang branch peaceful life, except during the director of the original competent Labour 5 branch, still have opened a new branch of pudong 5 sub-branches, hangzhou linan branch, the icbc chengxi branch, xiasha economic development zone, jiefang road, pioneering subbranch of a bank branch, chengxi subbranch of agriculture linan, make these subbranch of insurance performance achieved breakthrough, and has increased dramatically.
In 2006-2007/2007/01 taiping insurance zhejiang branch of senior customer manager

 main duties and daily work content:
Well site marketing and off-site counselling, handle the relationship of branch and all staff and improve the training for them.
 performance and performance:
In peacetime life as a senior manager of customers in icbc during high branch three perspective
Place in marketing and training, personal marketing ability and the training level and branch
The consistent high praise. The company is ranked the first quarter results, the peak in the silver
"Diamond membership", "the title of" pace-setter paid quarterly fans, In the second quarter of the second,
The summit "won silver diamond membership", "summit", "the quarter, vice President of fans paid pacesetter."
Title, Only one month in the third quarter of performance (July 30, regional director) as,
They have won the first result, the summit of silver "summit" title. period
Honor is as follows: between in 2007 zhejiang peace branch, barges pay, marking
The second stage of the three capture "triathlon" honorary title (only seven months), Was too
Flat life insurance Co., LTD. (the company) issued 2007 "outstanding" intended,
"Excellent part-time instructors" title.
12-2000/2006 / commercial bank of hubei province and internal compliance department scene a manager
Responsible for all secondary branch, the special business sub-branches audit inspection, responsible for all secondary branch, branch office of President auditing.
03-1992/2000 / commercial bank of shaanxi province last July, accounting settlement of golden section, deputy director of the section, section head
Engaged in accounting settlement and a golden business concrete work and management work.