写一份英语作文2017年3月30日 内容,根据账单9876号david未收到Frank的已过期一

写一份英语作文2017年3月30日 内容,根据账单9876号david未收到Frank的已过期一个月的欠款 David猜想Fank有什么特殊原因 原因可能是未及时收到3月3日发出的$1000的催款单 David在寄给Fank催款单希望他急早处理 David期望Fank说明原因并尽快还款
注意信函格式works for reference 辞职 accont 过期 overdue


Dear Frank,

Our records indicate that payment on your account#9876 is overdue for one month in the amount of $1000. If the amount has already been paid, please disregard this notice. If you have not yet mailed your payment, why not make out your check and place it in the enclosed envelope while this reminder is has your full attention.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.