

April Fool's Day, also known as All Fool's Day, is a traditional Western and American folk holiday celebrated annually on April 1st. The origins of April Fool's Day are shrouded in mystery, with various theories about its beginnings. One popular explanation suggests that the custom originated from the Indian festival of "Huli Jiao." According to this tradition, on the last day of March, people of all ages would play pranks and jokes on one another for entertainment.
Initially, any American could concoct sensationalist stories without any moral or legal repercussions, and neither the government nor the judicial system would take action. Instead, the individual who crafted the most outlandish and believable lie was often hailed as the winner. This practice led to considerable societal disruption and eventually faced criticism. Now, the pranks and jokes played on April Fool's Day are less extreme and aimed at fostering light-hearted fun.
Today, April Fool's Day has become an international holiday celebrated in many parts of Europe and North America. In Scotland, those who are tricked on this day are referred to as "April fools," which seems to have some connection to the agricultural calendar. The French, on the other hand, call it "Poisson d'Avril," likely because young fish are naive and easily enticed by bait in April, making them easy targets.