中译英 句子

2.只要你承诺在11点之前回来,你就可以出去。(as long as)
3.医学的进步使一个人活100年成为了可能。(make it possible)

7.另外一名医生被派往医院去接管Mr.Wang的工作。(take over)
8.我拍摄了许多照片,但是许多没有冲印出来。(come out)
9.警方正在研究罪犯在犯罪过程中的录像。(look into)
10.MARY不得不努力学习来弥补她生病时,错过的在学校的时间。(make up for)


It's a complete mystery how the inmate escaped.

2.只要你承诺在11点之前回来,你就可以出去。(as long as)

As long as you promise to be back before 11 o'clock, you may go out.

3.医学的进步使一个人活100年成为了可能。(make it possible)
Advances in medicine has made it possible for one to live to 100 years old.

My compact car got stolen this past weekend.

Take these things to your room to keep them safe.

I'll finish reading the book by this weekend.

7.另外一名医生被派往医院去接管Mr.Wang的工作。(take over)
Another doctor was sent to the hospital to take over Mr. Wang's job.

8.我拍摄了许多照片,但是许多没有冲印出来。(come out)
I took lots of pictures, but many of the pictures did not come out.

9.警方正在研究罪犯在犯罪过程中的录像。(look into)
The police are looking into the video footage of the criminal committing the crime.

10.MARY不得不努力学习来弥补她生病时,错过的在学校的时间。(make up for
Mary has to study hard to make up for the school time lost due to her sickness.
第1个回答  2010-02-12
1 How the prisoner escaped is totally a puzzle.
2 You are allowed to go out as long as you promise to come back before 11.
3 The improvement of medical sciece makes it possible for human to live 100 years.
4 My car got lost last weekend.
5 Bring these things to your room and keep them safe.
6 I'll finish this book befor this weekend.
7 Another doctor was sent to the hospital to take over Mr.Wang's work.
8 I took lots of photos, but many of them hasn't come out.
9 The police are looking into the vidio tape in which the crime was taking place.
10 Mary has to study hard to make up for the period of time that she missed for school due to her illness.
第2个回答  2010-02-12
how the prisoner escaped was a mystery.
as long as you promise to come back befor eleven, you can go out.
advances in medical science makes it possible for a man to live 100 years.
my car got stolen last weekend.
take these things to your room to keep them safe.
I will finish this book before the end of the week.
another doctor was sent to the hospital to take over Mr.Wang's works.
I pictured a lot, but most of them haven't come out yet.
the police are looking into the video of that criminal in his business.
Mary had to work hard to make up for the missed time at school when she was ill.