

sneakers 基本解释:旅游鞋,运动鞋,球鞋;运动鞋( sneaker的名词复数 );

sneakers 双语例句

1. Whilst this lacing looks interesting on shoes and sneakers, it looks particularly effective on high boots with many eyelets, especially when contrasting laces are used.

虽然这个有趣的花边看起来就鞋和运动鞋,看起来特别有效的高统靴与许多eyelets ,尤其是当对比用花边。

2. Days later i will go hong kong But i heard its damn cold:(Hope i can find some cuttie sneakers:) btw jabbawockeez they won the frist american dance crew: 

Their moves really really awecome... you cant miss it cause those crew most members are Asian but they did their best Next time when i come back i will show you more vedios and sound truck of theirs ok?


3. Just imagine if a man in jeans, leisure clothing, sneakers and a peaked cap would leave others an impression that the he has just come down from a mountain


4. Shoes tear up wooden basketball floors, and rubber-soled sneakers


5. Up to the farmhouse to dinner through the teeming, dusty field, the road under our sneakers was only a two-track road.

