

put out,put away,put up,put off它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

"put out":熄灭、关掉或撤退(火、灯等);发布、发表(消息、声明等)。

"put away":收起、储存或整理(物品);使某人关起来、送进监狱。

"put up":搭建、张贴或举起(建筑物、海报等);接待、留宿(某人)。

"put off":推迟、延期或取消(计划、会议等);使厌倦、使不愿意。


He put out the candles before leaving the room.(他离开房间前熄灭了蜡烛。)

Please put away your toys when you're done playing.(玩完后请把玩具收起来。)

They put up posters all over the city to promote the concert.(他们在整个城市张贴海报来宣传音乐会。)

The bad weather put off our picnic plans.(糟糕的天气让我们推迟了野餐计划。)

2. 语法区别:

"put out"和"put away"为动词短语,后面可以跟宾语。

"put up"和"put off"可以是动词短语,也可以是短语动词,后面可以跟宾语或带介词的短语。


She put out the fire with a fire extinguisher.(她用灭火器扑灭了火。)

I put away the dishes after dinner.(晚餐后我收拾了餐具。)

We put up a tent for camping.(我们搭起了一个帐篷去露营。)

I put off calling him until tomorrow.(我推迟打电话给他,明天再说。)

3. 用法区别:

"put out"用于熄灭火焰、关闭电源等动作,也可表示发布消息、声明等。

"put away"用于收起物品、整理房间,也可表示将某人关起来,送进监狱。

"put up"用于搭建建筑物、张贴海报,还可表示接待人留宿。

"put off"用于推迟计划、会议等,也可表示让人感到厌倦。


He puts out the trash every Monday.(他每周一倒垃圾。)

The police put away the criminal for twenty years.(警方关押该罪犯长达二十年。)

They put up a fence around their backyard.(他们在后院周围搭起了一道围墙。)

Don't put off studying for the exam until the last minute.(别拖到最后一刻才开始准备考试。)

4. 使用环境区别:

"put out"和"put away"可在正式和非正式场合中使用。

"put up"较为常见于非正式场合和口语中。

"put off"可用于正式和非正式场合,书面语和口语皆可。


The company put out a press release about the new product.(公司发布了一份关于新产品的新闻稿。)

Can you put away your shoes after entering the house?(进屋后能把鞋子收好吗?)

We put up guests in our spare bedroom.(我们把客人安排在我们的备用卧室。)

The bad weather put off the outdoor concert.(恶劣的天气导致露天音乐会推迟。)
