The color "qing色" in English is commonly translated as "Cyan." It is situated between green and blue on the spectrum, characterized by a blue-green or green-blue shade. When it becomes challenging to determine whether a color leans more towards blue or green, the term "qing色" is used.
Significant in Chinese culture, qing色 holds deep roots in the Five Elements theory, where it represents wood. In ancient Chinese philosophy, as exemplified by荀子's "劝学" - "青出于蓝而胜于蓝" (meaning that dye derived from blue plants could be darker than the original), qing色 also symbolized blackness.
In Chinese history, qing色 was highly revered, embodying strength, hope, simplicity, and solemnity. This is why it frequently adorned traditional artifacts and clothing.
To expand on the topic, visible light consists of seven distinct wavelengths: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. With red having the longest wavelength and violet the shortest, the colors differ in their light wave frequencies.
It was Sir Isaac Newton who, in 1671, first introduced the concept of the spectrum through his optical experiments. He observed that when sunlight passed through a prism, it separated into a rainbow of colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, aligning with the musical scale, planetary system, and days of the week.
However, due to a lower sensitivity to the indigo frequency, some individuals find it difficult to distinguish it clearly from blue and purple. As a result, some experts, like Isaac Asimov, argue that indigo should not be considered a distinct color, but rather a range between blue and violet.