

- 代表动物:大熊猫 (Giant Panda)
- 汉语:大熊猫已在地球上生存了至少800万年,被誉为“活化石”和“中国国宝”,世界自然基金会的形象大使,是世界生物多样性保护的旗舰物种。
- 英语:Giant pandas have lived on Earth for at least 8 million years,被誉为 "living fossils" and "China's national treasure." They serve as the symbol for the World Wide Fund for Nature and are considered the flagship species for biodiversity conservation worldwide.
- 代表动物:扬子鳄 (Chinese Alligator)
- 汉语:扬子鳄是中国特有的一种鳄鱼,是世界上最小的鳄鱼品种之一。它既是古老的,又是现存数量非常稀少、世界上濒临灭绝的爬行动物。
- 英语:The Chinese alligator is a unique species native to China, and one of the smallest crocodilian species. It is both ancient and Critically Endangered, being one of the world's rarest爬行动物.
- 代表动物:欧洲野牛 (European Bison)
- 汉语:欧洲野牛是欧洲最大的原生食草动物,拥有非常庞大的体型。
- 英语:The European bison is the largest native herbivore in Europe, with an enormous body size.
- 代表动物:欧洲狮 (Panthera leo europaea)
- 汉语:欧洲狮又名希腊狮。雄性体长平均2.5米尾长1.2米,平均体重250公斤,肩高1.25米是历史上第三大狮子,第一是开普狮,第二是巴巴里狮,欧洲狮分布于南欧洲。
- 英语:Also known as the Greek lion, the male European lion averages 2.5 meters in body length and a 1.2-meter tail, with a typical weight of 250 kilograms and a shoulder height of 1.25 meters, ranking as the third-largest lion in history, after the Cape lion and the Barbary lion. European lions are distributed in southern Europe.
- 代表动物:美洲豹 (Jaguar)
- 汉语:美洲豹是现存第三大的猫科动物。体重70—180千克,咬力可达1250磅。是生活在中南美洲的一种大型猫科动物。
- 英语:The jaguar is the third-largest living cat species, weighing between 70-180 kilograms and capable of biting down with a force of up to 1250 pounds. It is a large cat species found in Central and South America.
- 代表动物:加拿大黑雁 (Canada Goose)
- 汉语:加拿大黑雁主要以青草或水生植物的嫩芽、叶、茎等为食,也吃根和植物种子,冬季有时还吃麦苗等农作物的幼苗。
- 英语:Canada geese mainly feed on young grass or aquatic plant shoots, leaves, and stems, as well as roots and plant seeds, sometimes even consuming young wheat sprouts and other crop seedlings during the winter.
- 代表动物:树懒 (Sloth)
- 汉语:树懒是唯一身上长有植物的野生动物,它虽然有脚但是却不能走路,靠得是前肢拖动身体前行。
- 英语:The sloth is the only wild animal with plants growing on its body; despite having feet, it cannot walk and instead drags its body forward with its front limbs.
- 代表动物:南美洲栗鼠 (Chinchilla)
- 汉语:南美洲栗鼠属于哺乳纲啮齿目豪猪亚目美洲栗鼠科动物,原产于南美洲安迪斯山脉,平均有10~20年寿命。
- 英语:Chinchillas are mammals belonging to the order Rodentia, suborder Hystricomorpha, and family Chinchillidae, originally found in the Andes of South America, with an average lifespan of 10-20 years.
- 代表动物:非洲象 (African Elephant)
- 汉语:非洲象是陆地上最大的哺乳动物,雄性和雌性呈二态性(雌雄两性在体形或身体特征上都有所不同)。
- 英语:The African elephant is the largest land mammal, with males and females exhibiting sexual dimorphism (differences in body size or characteristics between the sexes).
- 代表动物:长颈鹿 (Giraffa camelopardalis)
- 汉语:长颈鹿是一种生长在非洲的反刍偶蹄动物,拉丁文名字的意思是“长着豹纹的骆驼”。它们是世界上现存最高的陆生动物。
- 英语:The giraffe is a ruminant even-toed mammal found in Africa, whose Latin name means "camel withopard spots." They are the tallest living terrestrial animals.
- 代表动物:考拉 (Koala bear)
- 汉语:考拉是澳大利亚的国宝,也是澳大利亚奇特的珍贵原始树栖动物。
- 英语:The koala is a national treasure of Australia and a unique, precious, and primitive arboreal mammal.
- 代表动物:袋鼠 (Kangaroo)
- 汉语:袋鼠是任一种属于袋鼠目的有袋动物,主要分布于澳大利亚大陆和巴布亚新几内亚的部分地区。
- 英语:Kangaroos are any of the species belonging to the order Marsupialia, primarily distributed across the Australian continent and parts of Papua New Guinea.
- 代表动物:帝企鹅 (Emperor Penguin)
- 汉语:帝企鹅是群居性动物。每当恶劣的气候来临,它们会挤在一起防风御寒。可以潜入水底150至500米,最深的潜水记录甚至可达565米。主要以甲壳类动物为食,偶尔也捕食小鱼和乌贼。
- 英语:Emperor penguins are social animals that huddle together for warmth during harsh weather. They can dive to depths of 150 to 500 meters, with the deepest dive record reaching even 565 meters. They mainly feed on crustaceans but will occasionally catch small fish and squid.
- 代表动物:象海豹 (Southern elephant-seal)
- 汉语:象海豹属哺乳类动物。个头最大的象海豹是公象海豹,公的象海豹体长4~6米,体重2~3.6吨,雌性的小于雄性,体重约是雄海豹的一半。
- 英语:Elephant seals are mammals. The largest elephant seals are males, reaching lengths of 4 to 6 meters and weights of 2 to 3.6 tons. Females are smaller than males, weighing about half of the male seals.