

1. 开放心态:保持积极、开放的心态,对待新人和新事物。不要过于固执己见,愿意接受不同的观点和想法。
2. 参与社交活动:积极参与各种社交活动,如兴趣小组、志愿者组织、职业协会等。这些活动可以提供与其他人交流的机会,结识有相同兴趣和价值观的人。
3. 主动交流:主动与他人展开交流,表达自己的想法和意见,同时倾听对方的观点。真诚地关心对方,并展示出友好和善良的态度。
4. 建立共同兴趣:寻找共同的兴趣爱好,通过参加共同感兴趣的活动来结识新的朋友。共同的兴趣可以成为建立深厚友谊的基础。
5. 维系友谊:与新结识的朋友保持联系,并积极维护友谊。定期安排活动或聚会,互相支持和帮助。建立稳定、互信的友谊需要付出时间和精力。
6. 识别真诚与虚伪:在社交中,要学会分辨真诚和虚伪的友谊。观察对方是否真正关心你的需求和感受,是否在困难时与你同在。与那些真诚对待你的人保持亲近,同时避免和虚伪的人深交。
7. 尊重和理解:尊重他人的观点和选择,不要强加自己的意见。理解并接纳不同的背景和文化,这样可以建立更加包容和宽广的友谊。
8. 肯定和表达感激:及时肯定朋友在友谊中的贡献,并表达感激之情。友情是相互的,通过表达感激可以增进友谊的亲密度。
第1个回答  2024-01-17










第2个回答  2024-01-15
How to be likeable in social life
I think everybody must have a strong desire to be likeable in social life,but how to be is really a great problem,there are lots of thing must be paied attention to.However,in my opinion,it is not as hard as what we have thought,either,if we have accomplished the followed several main points.
First of all,we must be genuine to treat everybody in our lives,not only to respect them,but also to appreciate them.Think about the situation that if you treat them with the hypocritical action,what would they thought about you.I think they may have the opinion of a hypocritical rogue to you at least.So please be earnestly and sincerely to treat them.
Secondly,we must be delightful when meeting others,so they can be excited to meet you,too.And it is really very important for someone who wants to be likeable to learn smile and smile in a sincere way.
Thirdly,if we want to be likeable in social life,we must be politeness in our daily lives.For example,before you disturbing someone,making some words such as “Excuse me!” is really very necessary.Sometimes it can bring you and others lots of happiness.So why not have a try!
Finally,remembering someone’s name is also a key way to make you likeable in social life.As we all know,everybody has their own name,and would mind whether others can call out their name fluently and cordially or not,so if you have done it,it will mean that you have caught the key to open their hearts,and it’s not far from being welcome.
So if we have done all of above,it really wastes time to worry about whether likeable in social life or not,because the answer is very obvious.
2、all roads lead to Roma
All roads lead to Rome Avenue.it means You can take a variety of methods or many choices for you .
For example,University is not the only way necessary for out of life.one way end,you can go the other way.Not to confine itself to one target.another example,you want to re-fill your Stomach,you can eat
rice as usual,of course,you can eat pasta instead,to achieve the same purpose.
so,we open up the horizons that do one thing,think of other solutions.It is not one ways for do the matter.