

(一) 词汇(15)
1. Farmers g________ rice in the south of China.
2. Our English teacher is f__________ to us.
3. I am a_______ my parents are not at home.
4. Look! He is l_______ on the ground.
5. This is their f________ lesson, so they are very excited.
1. There are many books on these __________. (书架).
2. There is a bridge ______ the river. (在…上面)
3. We live in the ________ of Moscow. (中心)
4. His dream home is very large. It has four ________. (层)
5. He has a big room __________(有)twelve showers and four baths.
1. This is my _________ (two) day in Shanghai.
2.________ (final), he arrived in Beijing.
3. December is the ________ (12) month of a year.
4. Do you think these __________ (build) are beautiful?
5. This is a ________ (wood) house.
(二) 选择题(15)
1. Sandy sits in front of Amy, but behind Simon .So Sandy sits _______ Amy _____ Simon.
A. next; to B. next to; beside C. between; and D. opposite; at
2. We usually make dinner in the ________.
A. bedroom B. dining room C. kitchen D. grandparents
3. There are ___________ days in a year.
A. three hundreds and sixty five
B. three hundred and sixty five
C. three hundred and sixty-five
D. three hundred sixty-five
4.“Excuse me . May I speak to Jill, please?”
A. Yes, I am B. Do you know him?
C. I am speaking D. This is Jill speaking.
5. We will arrive _________ Tokyo __________ the afternoon of March 3.
A. at, in B. in, on C. in, in D. at, at
6. There is an air conditioner _________ the window.
A. in B. besides C. between D. above
7. They are from America. They ______ English.
A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak
8.“We will have a school trip next week.”
“That sounds ________.I’m sure we will have a good time there.”
A. well B. badly C. bad D. good
9. Wednesday is the __________ day of a week.
A. fifth B. fourth C. forth D. third
10. Look! They are swimming __________ the river.
A. between B. in middle of C. in the middle of D. behind
11. Would you like _________a cup of tea?
A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. to drinking
12. Would you like to share the room________ her brother?
A. with B. and C. of D. on
13.__________ is your telephone number?
A. What B. How many C. How much D. How long
14. Which of them isn’t a capital city?
A. Paris B. London C. New York D. Moscow
15. How do you say 15,858?
A. Fifteen thousands, eight hundred and fifty-eight
B. Fifteen thousand, eight hundreds and fifty eight.
C. Fifteen thousand, eight hundred and fifty-eight
D. Fifteen thousand and eight hundred and fifty-eight.
(三) 动词填空(10)
1. Can you ________ (sing) the song in English?
2. Little Tom began ________ (learn) French at the age of 5.
3. He may come here if he _________ (be) free.
4. I don’t know what _________ (do) next.
5. My best friend practices _________ (dance) every day.
6. I can’t wait ________ (see) you.
7. Next Thursday we __________ (visit) the Summer Palace.
8. Please ask him ________ (call) me soon.
9. There ________ (be) three important meetings next month.
10. Mr. Smith _________ (live) two floors above his parents.
(四) 句型转换(10)
1. Do it like this? (否定句)
_____ _____ it like this.
2. There are over ten girls in the classroom. (同义句)
There are ______ _______ ten girls in the classroom.
3. The building has twenty-four floors. (划线部分提问)
_____ _______ floors do the building ________?
4. It sounds great. (划线部分提问)
_______ does it sound?
5. Millie lives above me. (同义句)
I live ________ Millie.
6. What food do you like best? (同义句)
What is your ________ food?
(五) 补全对话(10)
A: Hello! This is Sandy’s house.
B: Hello! May I _______ to Amy?
A: I am _______ she isn’t _________ now .Can I _______ a message?
B: Yes, Please ______ her to call me.
A: OK! May I _______ your name?
B: Of course .My name is Millie.
A: ______ your phone number?
B: Oh, she _______ that.
A: Well, I’ll ask her to call you _______.
B: _______ ,Goodbye.
A: Goodbye!
(六) 完型填空(10)
My ___1___ home is in the country (乡下).The air there is fresh and it is ____2___.My house is very beautiful. ____3___ at least three floors. There is a river ____4____my house and behind ____5_____ is a big garden. I can _____6___ trees and flowers in it .I like ____7___green everywhere and green is my _____8____ color. I like to work in the ____9___ and fish in the river. I’d like to invite my friends at my home .Then we can chat and play games. How ___10___ we are.
1. A. dream B. day C. dreams D. night
2. A. quite B. quiet C. quietly D. quietly
3. A. There are B. There is C. Have D. Has
4. A. in front of B. in the front C. under D. on
5. A. them B. it C. I D. my parents
6. A. grow B. make C. read D. do
7. A. saw B. look C. to see D. to look
8. A. best B. favourite. C. like D. favite
9. A. park B. garden C. house D. home
10. A. happy B. happily C. please D. unhappy
(七) 阅读理解(10)
Mr. Fox says to Mrs. Duck, “Mr. Hare is in the hole. You sit here and don’t let Mr. Hare comes out. I am going to my home to get a knife.” Mrs. Duck sits near the hole. Mr. Fox goes to his home. Then Mr. Hare says, “Mrs. Duck, Mrs. Duck…….”Mrs. Duck says, “What is it?” Mr. Hare says, “There is a little hole at the back of the tree, and there is some bread in it. I can see it, but I cannot get it. Can you go and get it? ” Mrs. Duck goes to the back of the tree to get the bread, and Mr. Hare goes quickly out of the hole in the front of the tree and goes home.
( )1、Mr. Fox wants to get a knife, he goes home.
( )2、Mr. Fox tells Mrs. Duck to sit near the hole to look after Mr. Hare.
( )3、 Mr. Hare sees some bread and gets it.
( )4、 At first Mr. Hare is in the hole.
( )5、 At last Mr. Hare runs away.
This is Andy’s room. It is not very big, but the window is big and the bedroom is bright .We can see some pictures and a nice kite on the walls. Andy’s bed is small .A clock is on the table and some bottles of milk are under it .A desk is near the window .The desk is small .Andy puts all her books in the desk and some clothes in it, too .There are some flowers on Andy’s desk .Some are purple, some are red, some are yellow and others are white .They are very nice. She likes to help others.
1. Andy’s books are in her desk .We c________ see them.
2. The flowers are in four c_________.
3. Andy’s bedroom is not e________ .There are many things in it.
4. A kite and some nice pictures a ________ on the walls.
5. There is a d________ beside her bed.
(八) 写作(10)
第1个回答  2010-02-23
Passage 1牛津英语教研博客%U_]5~0w$C

It is interesting to visit another country, but there are some p_______ when we don’t know the language very well . It may be d_________ to talk with the people there , we may not know how to use the telephone in the country we are v_______ .We may not know how to buy the things we n_________.

In a s_________country we might not known where to eat or what to o________ in a restaurant . It is not e________ to decide how much to tip (给小费) the waiter or taxi driver .牛津英语教研博客W\7C H:N0X2S@

When we need help ,we might not know how to a________for .It is not pleasant to have an e_________ like that .

After a short time ,however, we learn what to do and what to say . We learn to e________ life in another country and then we may be sorry to leave .

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Passage 2牛津英语教研博客6Ay3}3zB2B c't

Only Mother Love is true love .It gives everybody everything all h________ life .When you are still a baby ,mother takes good care of you as much as p_________. In your w________hours she always holds you in her arms .When you are ill ,she stops her work right now to look after you day and night a_________forgets about herself . When you are growing up day b________ day ,she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school ,mother still look after you all the time .On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on more clothes. She always stand in the wind w__________ for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast , she always feels w_______ about you at home .She usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things . When you do well at school ,you will see the brightest smile on her face.

Mother is always ready to give everything she h_______to her children , n_______ to receive. What true love that is in the w_________! We will remember Mother Love for ever.


Passage 3

If you can draw the 2008 Olympic mascots (吉祥物)yourself , you’ll become the coolest kid in your classmates’ eyes .All f_______ have become top fashion.

Since China made its final decision at 8.p.m. November , the five mascots have been on school bags ,hats and T-shirts. If you put their names together , they say “Beijing welcomes you !” in C__________ .People rushed into many big shopping centers to buy them . Some shelves were e__________ after only one day of business.

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Why do the mascots look like k____________.牛津英语教研博客5|(I)MtI7UAl

“Children are the future of the world. No one can say‘no’ to kids’ smiles .So we have five children like mascots ,”said WuGuanying , a key member of the design group. Wu c_________up with the idea of five dolls. When artists finished the first designs in April, they showed their work to kids to see if they liked them .Thirty kindergarten kids and 30 primary students acted as judges . They were quite happy at seeing the l___________ images(形象). They had many ideas about what they stood for(代表) . “There were all kinds of answers. Some kids thought the m________were a family of earth protectors .One even mistook the fish for a daughter of the sea . But the popularity of the mascots among kids impressed us ’’ said Wu .An Olympic mascot is a s_________ for the Games .It carries within itself people’s best w_________ for the success of the Games. Also , it’s always an image with special m___________ for people of the host(主办国).

Passage 4

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When westerners go out to e_______, they do it a little differently from C__________. It’s common for Chinese to have some f__________ after a meal . Westerners , however, might h___________ dessert . Dessert is牛津英语教研博客 a8D!g*@"p)S't#D

usually a sweet snack that’s e___________ after the meal . Some c_________ desserts are cake , ice-cream, cookies and pie .However, it would be absurd to think that w________ have dessert after every meal ! Dessert is not seen as an essential part of the m______________ , but as something extra. Some parents will even use dessert as a reward for their c____________. Many westerners will have dessert only occasionally牛津英语教研博客5uxSB Q

or may generally not h_________ dessert at all.牛津英语教研博客B!HH9Y Vri Z-n

Westerners also like to make sure the meal is colorful . Having several different colours of food on the plate usually makes for a healthy meal.

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Keys: A. 1. problems 2. different 3.visiting 4.need 5.strange 6.order 7.easy 8.ask 9.experience 10.enjoy牛津英语教研博客m2d }?} O

B. 1. his 2. possible 3. waking 4. and 5.by 6.waiting 7. worried 8. has 9. not 10. world

C. 1. five 2. Chinese 3. empty 4. kids 5. came 6.lovely 7.mascots 8. symbol 9. wishes 10.meaning牛津英语教研博客4f8|"G%w q9] o'K^

D. 1.eat 2. Chinese 3.fruit 4. have 5.enjoyed 6.common 7.westerners 8. meal 9. children 10.have牛津英语教研博客_OP2c#c@U
第2个回答  2010-02-23
a b c e f g h i j k n m l o p j r s t w v u x y z
第3个回答  2010-03-06
大 红 笑 照 心 填 之 了 的首字母排序。
第4个回答  2010-03-06