

My Family 我的一家
I was born in a family of 4 people: grandmather, father, mather and me. My family is very happy . Everyone has his or her work. My father is a worker of a factory; my mather's work is responsibile for us daily life. As the oldest of my family, my grandmather is wlways doing some exercise with her friends beacause she is too old to do the common work. Of course, my basic job is to study well. After school I also help mather do some housework that makes me learn more knowledge out of books ,and my family members all give me great and happy praize for my carefullness and being a good child.
Can you say this is not a very happy family
中文: 我出生于一个四口之家,家里有奶奶、爸爸、妈妈和我。我家是个幸福的家庭。每个成员都有自己的工作。爸爸是一个工厂的工人,妈妈的工作就是负责我们的日常生活(家庭主妇),奶奶因为年事已高已不能做所谓的工作,所以她经常跟老年朋友们一起锻炼身体。当然了,我的基本工作就是好好学习。放学回家我经常帮妈妈做些家务活,全家人都因我的认真、乖巧二表扬我。你敢不承认这是个幸福的家庭吗?

PS: 因为你提供的资料有限,也没说是那个年级的,所以我只得在你的提示的基础上增添展开,按初一-初二的要求来完成了一篇,希望对你有用。