

1. Unbreakable(无敌至尊) 6:25
2. Heartbreaker(伤心人) 5:10
3. Invincible(万夫莫敌) 4:45
4. Break of Dawn (黎明破晓)5:32
5. Heaven Can Wait(天堂可待) 4:49
6. You Rock My World (天旋地转)5:39
7. Butterflies(心花怒放) 4:40
8. Speechless(无言以表) 3:18
9. 2000 Watts (两千瓦特)4:24
10. You Are My Life (你是我的生命)4:39
11. Privacy(隐私) 5:05
12. Don't Walk Away(一走了之)4:25
13. Cry (哭泣)5:01
14. The Lost Children(失踪的孩子) 4:00
15. Whatever Happens(患难见真情) 4:56
INVINCIBIE 五色16. Threatened(终极惊吓) 4:19


[Michael Jackson]
Now I'm just wondering why you think 我很纳闷你为什麽那麽有把握
That you can get to me with anything 你能对我予取予求
Seems like you'd know by now, when and how I get down 你似乎到现在才了解
And with all that I've been through, I'm still around 我是怎麽忍气吞声风风雨雨走来,我依然屹立不摇

Don't you ever make no mistake 你都没出过差错吗?
Baby I've got what it takes 宝贝,我可是吃尽苦头
And there's no way you'll ever get to me 你决不可能跟我一样
Why can't you see that you'll never ever hurt me 你为什麽还搞不懂你是伤不了我的
'Cause I won't let it be, I'm too much for you baby 因为我不会让你如愿,宝贝,你根本拿我没辙

Chorus [Michael Jackson]:
You can't believe it, you can't concieve it 你难以相信,你无法想象
And you can't touch me, 'cause I'm untouchable 你动摇不了我,只因我屹立不摇
And I know you hate it, and you can't take it 我知道你怨恨,你也无法接受
You'll never break me, 'cause I'm unbreakable 你永远都伤不了我,只因为我是无敌至尊

[Michael Jackson]
Now you can't stop me even though you think 你再也挡不住我,即使你这样想
That if you block me, you've done your thing 就算你想阻挡我,你的把戏也玩完了
And when you bury me underneath all your pain 当你用伤痛埋葬了我
I'm steady laughin', while surfacing 我泰然自若,力争上游

Don't you ever make no mistake 你都没出过差错吗?
Baby I've got what it takes 宝贝,我可是吃尽苦头
And there's no way you'll ever get to me 你决不可能跟我一样
Why can't you see that you'll never ever hurt me 你是伤不了我的
'Cause I won't let it be, see I'm too much for you baby 因为我不会让你如愿,宝贝,你根本拿我没辙

Chorus (2x)

[Michael Jackson]
You can try to stop me, but it won't do a thing 你可以试着阻挡我,但那也是白搭
No matter what you do, I'm still gonna be here 不管你出什麽招,我依然屹立不摇受
Through all your lies and silly games 够了你的谎言与愚蠢的游戏
I'ma still remain the same, I'm unbreakable 我依然保有本尊,我就是无敌至尊

Invincible 万夫莫敌

If I could tear down these walls that keep you and I apart 如果我能够将分隔你我的高墙摧毁
I know I could chaim your heart and our perfect love will start 我知道我可以俘获你的芳心, 完美的爱情就要展开
But girl 但是 女孩
You just won't approve of the things that I do 你对我所作的一切就是不予赞同
When all I do is for you but still you say if ain't cool 我为你赴汤蹈火 ,你却说那不够酷

If there's somebody else 换作是别人
he can't love you like me 他对你的爱绝对跟我没得比
And he says he'll treat you well 他会说他会真心相待
he can't treat you like me 他对你的关照绝对跟我没得比
And he's buying diamonds and pearls 他会买钻石和珍珠
he can't do it like me 他跟我绝对没得比
And he's taking you all across the world 他会带你环游世界
he can't trick you like me 他的爱情招数跟我绝对没得比

So why ain't you feelin' me? 你为何无法感受到我的爱
she's invincible 她真是不可征服
But I can do anything , 但我可以去做任何事情
she's invincible 她真是不可征服
Even when I beg and plead, 就算我企求连带辩解
she' invincible 她真是不可征服
Girl won't give in to me, 女孩绝不对我让步
she's invincible 她真是不可征服

Now many times I've told you of all the things I would do 我一再的告诉你我愿意赴汤蹈火
But I can't seems to get through no matter how I try to 无论我百般尝试 ,我总是无法战胜你的爱
So tell me how does it seem that you ain't checking for me 告诉我 你为何还不让我过关
When I know that I could be more that you could ever dream 我知道我是可以超乎你的想象

If there's somebody else 换作是别人
he can't love you like me 他对你的爱绝对跟我没得比
And he says he'll treat you well 他会说他会真心相待
he can't treat you like me 他对你的关照绝对跟我没得比
And he's buying diamonds and pearls, 他会买钻石和珍珠
he can't do like me 他跟我绝对没得比
And he's taking you all across the world, 他会带你环游世界
he can't trick you like me 他的爱情招数跟我绝对没得比

Now some way I'll have to prove all that I said I would do 我一再的告诉你我愿意赴汤蹈火
Giving you everything, fulling your fantasy 满足你的任何愿望
Then maybe you'll change your mind and finally give in in time 希望你能改变心意来我怀抱
Then I'll be showing you what other men are supposed to do for you my baby 接着我将让你看看别的男人将为你所做的事情,宝贝
第1个回答  2010-01-26



第2个回答  2010-01-26

第3个回答  2010-01-28