翻译 帮我看下大意 别搞错了大意 有关能源

And it wouldn't bode well for companies like First Wind, or anyone hoping to get a job in renewable energy.
The company's Maine project is actually an expansion of an existing $160-million facility right across the street that was completed last year.
First Wind took that tax credit and rolled it right over into the current expansion. Even on a frigid day in January, Gaynor said more than a hundred people are busy on the mountain constructing the new facility.
"It's a beehive of activity up there," he said.
Before 2010 is out, First Wind hopes to construct another 4 to 6 projects -- all partially paid for with stimulus money.

就是有个公司叫 first wind 是搞新能源的(又称可再生能源),根据你给出的文字,应该是在缅因州建风力电厂,现在又扩建了一期。
就算是寒冷的冬季,大家依然干得热火朝天,first wind 还说要再搞4-6项目。


第1个回答  2010-02-03
第2个回答  2010-02-03
哎 英语没学好啊