
请问 “我很抱歉。我通常不会关注我不感兴趣的事物,而且我大学期间忙于自己的学业,也没有出去多走走,多看看。顺便说一下,我在大学期间也没谈恋爱。所以没有什么事情让我印象特别深刻。”翻译成英语是什么?谢谢!


I'm sorry. I don't usually focus on things I'm not interested in. And I was busy studying in college, so I didn't have much time to go out and have a look. By the way, I didn't have a relationship then. So nothing made me impressed.
第1个回答  2015-01-21
I am so sorry.Usually I don't pay attention to the things that I do not interest in,and during the university I was busy with my study,also did not go out to walk and look more.By the way, I did not fall in love during the university.So nothing made me especially impressed.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2015-01-21
I am sorry. Usually I will not pay attention to things I am not interested in and I was busy in study when I was in collage, without too much time to walk around. By the way, I was not in relationship in university. Thus there are not too much things make me impressed.