

Reasons to Work For most people in the world, work is necessary in order to survive. Without work they cannot support themselves and their families. But not everyone works just in order to survive. Some people work in order to help others, some for the respect and admiration their work brings them, and others for personal fulfillment and satisfaction. People who work for charitable organizations usually do so because they want to help people in need. They may be volunteers, or they may be given a small stipend for their work, but whatever monetary benefit they receive, it is not as important as the fact that they have made a difference in someone else’s life. Another reason some people work is because they enjoy the respect and esteem of others. Politicians are a good example. Of course, they often make a handsome salary, but in most cases, they could make more in a career in the private sector than in government. Other careers, such as that of an artist or musician, attract people who find their work personally fulfilling no matter what the monetary reward. Although earning a living is a very important reason to work, and is probably the most common one, it is not the only reason. People may work for all kinds of reasons, including those described above or a combination of them. Whatever a person’s reason for doing the work he does, he should be respected for his commitment and good work. 参考译文: 工作的理由 对世界上大部分的热而言,想求生存,就必须工作,没有工作,就无法养活自己和家人。但并非每个人都只是为了生存而工作。有些人工作是为了帮助别人,有些人则是为了工作所带给他们的尊敬和赞赏,还有些人是为了实现自己的抱负,让自己感到满足。 在慈善机构工作的人通常是因为他们想要帮助穷困的人。他们可能是义工,也可能获得少许的薪资,但无论得到什么金钱上的利益,都不如改变某个人的生活这件事来得重要。人们工作的另一个理由是,他们喜欢别人的尊敬与重视。政治人物就是一个很好的例子。当然,他们的薪水相当高,但大部分的政治人物如果在私人机构工作,得到的薪水会比在政府单位服务更高。还有一些职业,如艺术家、音乐家,其吸引人的原因在于人们可以从工作中实现自己的理想,而不在乎金钱上的报酬。 虽然谋生是工作的重要理由,可能也是最普遍的理由,但并不是唯一的理由。人们可能会为各种各样的理由而工作,包括上述所提及的理由,或是上述各项理由的结合。无论一个人工作的理由为何,只要他够投入并且表现良好,就应该受到尊重。