

This type of drill and practice has earned traditional spelling instruction a reputation for being boring. That there is no big picture and no ultimate goal makes it all the more tedious – as soon as one spelling list is tested, another list takes its place.
Luckily, there is an alternative to traditional spelling instruction called "Word Study" which is not based on the random memorization of words. A word study program is a cohesive approach that addresses word recognition, vocabulary, and phonics as well as spelling
In word study, teachers encourage students to compare and contrast features in words. One common method for doing so is by having students sort words. When sorting, students use their word knowledge to separate examples that go together from those that don't.
In addition to sorting, students may hunt for words in their reading and writing that fit the pattern being studied, may construct a word wall illustrating examples of the different patterns studied, may keep a word study notebook to record the known patterns and their new understandings about words, or may play games and activities to apply their word knowledge
Teachers then test students' pattern knowledge rather than their ability to memorize single words.
A response to AnonymousInstead of thinking of underacheivers, think of meeting the students at their developmental level. If they are developmentally at the within words stage but are placed in a group with a higher developmental group, they will become frustrated. They will most likely not be able to progress because they will not have the prerequisite skills in place.
第1个回答  2014-03-19