
76. We don’t know that we can do about it.
77. Could you tell me how I could get to the nearest post office?
78. The old man said he had joined the army in 1965.
79. Mary said she did not heard from her old classmate since September.
80. Charles asked he could use my car.
81. Mother asked me where I will go the next day.
82. Do you have a friend whom you could tell everything, like your deepest feelings and thoughts.
83. Don’t look at someone else paper, John. You should do it by yourself.
84. In order to improve your English, you can try writing an English diary every day.
85. The teacher gave a series of example in her lecture in order that everybody could understand.
76. In the end of this term, the school will organize a summer camp.
77. The highway was closed because the heavy snow that had never been seen for fifty years.
78. The good use you make time is the key to improving your studies.
79. The large number of people in China are learning English now.
80. The result based on a lot of experiments.
81. Mary and Bob can understand each other since they don’t speak the same kind of English.
82. Some old people feel quite puzzled in the rapid changing world of computer technology.
83. In different part of the world, people have their own ways to celebrate the New Year.
84. My mother told me not play computer games on weekdays.
85. My little sister asked me don’t leave her alone at home.

76. In → At
77. because → because of
78. make和time中间加入of
79. The → A
80. result和based中间加入is/was
81. since → although/though/even if/even though 尽管
82. in → at/about
83. part → parts
84. not和play中间加入to
85. don't → not to

76. that → what
77. 第二个could → can
78. 去掉had
79. did → had
80. asked和he中间加入if/whether
81. will → would
82. and → or
83. else → else's
84. writing → to write
85. example → examples


第1个回答  2009-10-08
i could-could i
asked if he
tell everything to
writing-to write
第2个回答  2009-10-08