
题目:My Dream
Dream is sun.Dream is light.Dream is_______(写一个和前者适合的单词).
When I was a little a girl.I had a dream.I think the dream is very wonderful.Can you guess it? Yes,I want to be singer.
When I was nine years old.I listened one of Rong zu'er's songs.Its name is "Hui Zhe Chi Bang De Nv Hai(请用英文翻译一下歌名,是挥着翅膀的女孩)"Since then,I started learning to sing songs.
Learning to sing songs is very different.I spent a lot of time on it.I had a sorethroat soon.I had to eat so much medicine.But I'm not afriad(害怕,貌似写错了)of it.I still practied it hard.Because I belived if I practice hard,my dream will be ture(这里要用到“主将从先”这个语法,但我不会。).I always say"Come On" to myself.I also learned to how to play the drums.It helps me a lot in music.
After two years,I did well in singing ongs.I began to take part in the singsing games.I did my best and won second places.I felt very exciting to cry.I thing my efforts were not in vain.Now, I want tn sing a song to my efforts and everybody:
I can fly
I’m proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly
I’m proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
The heaven in the sky

虽然身为英语委员,但英语语法却不好的要命。问行中出现很多语法错误,有的已经改了,但有的还没发现。各位可要仔细看看了,包括:字母大小写错误,格式错误,语法错误,单词错误 etc.
请大家帮忙想想,必须是关于梦想的,很纯真的,很上口好听的,而且要我会读滴,能唱滴。当然在我的文章中说到了“容祖儿(Rong Zu‘er)”,如果要换歌曲,这个就要改成别的歌手名字了,大家懂么。就是音乐换了,歌手名也随着换。谢谢。




Dream is sun.Dream is light.Dream is_______(写一个和前者适合的单词).
(Dream is the light and is the sun as well.如果你非得要排比句的话,那就:Dream is the candle;Dream is the lamp; Dream is the sun as well; because the lamp is brighter than the candle,and the sun is the brightest.)
When I was a little a girl.I had a dream.I think the dream is very wonderful.Can you guess it? Yes,I want to be a singer.
(i have had a wonderful dream that i will become a super singer one day since my childhood.Do you think so?)
When I was nine years old.I listened one of Rong zu'er's songs.Its name is "Hui Zhe Chi Bang De Nv Hai(请用英文翻译一下歌名,是挥着翅膀的女孩)"Since then,I have started learning to sing songs.
(A girl flies with her wing)
To learn to sing is very difficult.I spent a lot of time on it.I had a sorethroat soon.I had to eat so many medicine.But I'm not afraid(害怕,貌似写错了)of it.I still practied it hard.Because I belived if I practice hard,my dream will come ture(这里要用到“主将从先”这个语法,但我不会。i don't understand what you said.).I always say"Come On" to myself.I also learned how to play the drums.It helps me a lot in music.
After two years,I did well in singing .I began to take part in the singsing games.I did my best and won second places.I felt so exciting that couldn't help crying.I thing my efforts were not in vain.Now, I want to sing a song to my efforts and everybody:
I can fly
I’m proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly
I’m proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
第1个回答  2009-11-28
Dream is sun.Dream is light.Dream is_______(写一个和前者适合的单词).
When I was a little a girl.I had a dream.I think the dream is very wonderful.Can you guess it? Yes,I want to be singer.
When I was nine years old.I listened one of Rong zu'er's songs.Its name is "Hui Zhe Chi Bang De Nv Hai(请用英文翻译一下歌名,是挥着翅膀的女孩)"Since then,I started learning to sing songs.
Learning to sing songs is very different.I spent a lot of time on it.I had a sorethroat soon.I had to eat so much medicine.But I'm not afriad(害怕,貌似写错了)of it.I still practied it hard.Because I belived if I practice hard,my dream will be ture(这里要用到“主将从先”这个语法,但我不会。).I always say"Come On" to myself.I also learned to how to play the drums.It helps me a lot in music.
After two years,I did well in singing ongs.I began to take part in the singsing games.I did my best and won second places.I felt very exciting to cry.I thing my efforts were not in vain.Now, I want tn sing a song to my efforts and everybody:


第2个回答  2009-11-28
Dream is sun.Dream is light.Dream is something always in my mind(这样感觉要押韵,不过还是得你自己选择)
I had a dream when I was a little a girl..Having a dream is really a wonderfulthing.Can you guess what i'm dream for? well,I want to be a singer.
When I was nine years old.I liked one of Rong zu'er's songs.Its called "A girl waving her wings(这个是我自己翻译的,可能不是很准确)"Since then,I started singing.(songs放在这里有点累赘)
Singing is very difficult(困难).it costs me large amounts of time to learn and practise which leads to a sorethroat soon that time.I had to eat plenty of medicines.But I'm not afraid of taking pills.I still practised hard.For I believe if I practice hard,my dream will come ture someday in the near future(这个句子是自己觉得还可以).I always say"Come On" to myself when facing with difficulties.I also learned how to play the drums.It helps me a lot in music.
After two years,I did well in singing songs.I began to take part in one of the singsing competitions.I did my best and won a second place .I felt really excited then i cried about this.I believe that my efforts were not in vain.Now, I want to sing a song to everybody:
第3个回答  2009-11-29
Dream is hight.Drean is big.