
请帮忙翻译 快,, 不要直译
好的会加分, 这是有关哲学的。

The compatibilist analysis

Consider then an attempt at an analysis which in effect denies the incompatibility thesis, and allows correlations and causes without co that they force events to happen.

S does a freely.
S does a and s wants to do a.

This analysis of freedom is perfectly consistent with saying that s was caused to do a. if this is right, the incompatibility thesis, which says that if s does a freely, then he or she is not caused to do it, is false.

Yet the analysis is not strong enough. Suppose that s is a boy who wants to eat his soup, but, at the same time, his mother is forcing him to eat it. What then? Does he eat it freely? By the analysis he does, because he wants to eat it, but he is also being forced to eat it. What should we say?
Compatibilists will add an extra requirement to deal with this, to the effect that s eats freely if he could have not eaten if he had not wanted to. In our example, if his mother doesn’t mind whether he eats his soup or not, the little boy S could down his cutlery and refuse to eat his soup. When he is eating freely, what is true is that he could have done otherwise if he had wanted to. When he is being forced to eat, on the other hand, this is not true. ‘forced’ here has a sense, I think, nearly as strong as ‘force fed’, given the psychological reality of unequal power in the situation I am imagining. Even if the little boy had not wanted to, he would have had to eat his soup.


The compatibilist analysis
Consider then an attempt at an analysis which in effect denies the incompatibility thesis, and allows correlations and causes without co that they force events to happen.
然后考虑一次进行分析的努力,该努力实际上否认了不相容性(不能和谐相处)的论文,并且允许纠正和引起(without co恐怕有打错字,表示没有……的情况下引起)他们迫使事件的发生。
S does a freely.
S does a and s wants to do a.
This analysis of freedom is perfectly consistent with saying that s was caused to do a. if this is right, the incompatibility thesis, which says that if s does a freely, then he or she is not caused to do it, is false.
Yet the analysis is not strong enough. Suppose that s is a boy who wants to eat his soup, but, at the same time, his mother is forcing him to eat it. What then? Does he eat it freely? By the analysis he does, because he wants to eat it, but he is also being forced to eat it. What should we say?
Compatibilists will add an extra requirement to deal with this, to the effect that s eats freely if he could have not eaten if he had not wanted to. In our example, if his mother doesn’t mind whether he eats his soup or not, the little boy S could down his cutlery and refuse to eat his soup. When he is eating freely, what is true is that he could have done otherwise if he had wanted to. When he is being forced to eat, on the other hand, this is not true. ‘forced’ here has a sense, I think, nearly as strong as ‘force fed’, given the psychological reality of unequal power in the situation I am imagining. Even if the little boy had not wanted to, he would have had to eat his soup.调和派将对以下结果增加一个额外的要求来处理这一问题,这一结果就是如果他没想过要喝,如果他还没有喝完(这里两个if条件句连在一起,没有分开,不知有没有打字打漏?只能照译-译注)s就是自由地喝汤。在我们的例子中,如果他母亲不介意他是否喝掉了自己的汤,那么小男孩S可能会放下餐具而拒绝喝汤。当他自由喝汤时,或者说如果他想喝的话,那么真实的情况就是他可能已经喝了。另一方面,当他被迫喝汤时,这就不对了。这里的“被迫”有一层意思,鉴于在我想象的情况下力量不均等的心理现实,我认为这差不多和“给予强制”那么强烈。即使这个小男孩没想过要喝自己的汤,他也会不得不喝掉它。
第1个回答  2009-11-27

The compatibilist analysis

Consider then an attempt at an analysis which in effect denies the incompatibility thesis, and allows correlations and causes without co that they force events to happen.

S does a freely.
S does a and s wants to do a.

This analysis of freedom is perfectly consistent with saying that s was caused to do a. if this is right, the incompatibility thesis, which says that if s does a freely, then he or she is not caused to do it, is false.

Yet the analysis is not strong enough. Suppose that s is a boy who wants to eat his soup, but, at the same time, his mother is forcing him to eat it. What then? Does he eat it freely? By the analysis he does, because he wants to eat it, but he is also being forced to eat it. What should we say?
Compatibilists will add an extra requirement to deal with this, to the effect that s eats freely if he could have not eaten if he had not wanted to. In our example, if his mother doesn’t mind whether he eats his soup or not, the little boy S could down his cutlery and refuse to eat his soup. When he is eating freely, what is true is that he could have done otherwise if he had wanted to. When he is being forced to eat, on the other hand, this is not true. ‘forced’ here has a sense, I think, nearly as strong as ‘force fed’, given the psychological reality of unequal power in the situation I am imagining. Even if the little boy had not wanted to, he would have had to eat his soup.





Compatibilists将添加一个额外的要求,处理这个,其大意称,S吃如果他能够自由地没有吃,如果他不想要。在我们的例子,如果他的母亲并不介意他是否吃了汤与否,小男孩Spencer可能会放下餐具,拒绝吃他的汤。当他是吃自由,什么是真实的,就是他可以做,否则,如果他想。当他正被迫吃另一方面,这是不正确的。 '逼'在这里有一个感觉,我认为,几乎一样的强烈力量喂',由于不平等的权力形势,我想象的心理现实。即使小男孩并没有想,他将不得不吃他的汤。


第2个回答  2009-11-27

试图分析一个关于否认不相容性的论题, 并且允许相互的关系和原因 without co 他们强行使得事件发生。





第3个回答  2009-11-26




Compatibilists将添加一个额外的要求,处理这个,其大意称,S吃如果他能够自由地没有吃,如果他不想要。在我们的例子,如果他的母亲并不介意他是否吃了汤与否,小男孩Spencer可能会放下餐具,拒绝吃他的汤。当他是吃自由,什么是真实的,就是他可以做,否则,如果他想。当他正被迫吃另一方面,这是不正确的。 '逼'在这里有一个感觉,我认为,几乎一样的强烈力量喂',由于不平等的权力形势,我想象的心理现实。即使小男孩并没有想,他将不得不吃他的汤。
第4个回答  2009-12-11

试图分析一个关于否认不相容论的论题, 并且允许相互的关系和原因 他们强行使得事件发生。






试图分析一个关于否认不相容性的论题, 并且允许相互的关系和原因 without co 他们强行使得事件发生。




