求《死亡笔记》电影——the last name的英文介绍~


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The second installment of Death Note the live action film sees the story come to a shocking conclusion. If you thought you knew the story about the Death Note through the manga or the anime series, you are in for a surprise. The movie puts a whole new spin to the international best selling suspense about two geniuses in a deadly battle of wits and wills.

The investigation for the serial killer known as Kira has hit a dead end. L still suspects Light is Kira but the appearance of a second Kira that can kill using their sight has the investigative team in an uproar, and Light secretly fuming. The new person will be a hindrance to Light’s plans…unless he can figure out a way to use them. Misa is a woman who loves Light and she’s willing to do anything to get him, a fact she proves with alarming clarity. It in turn changes L’s tactics. Pretty soon he has Misa locked up and Light follows. L incarcerates them both in order to see if the killings will stop. But Light has put into motion a powerful gambit, and very risky one. With the slightest misstep it will be his life that will be lost and not L’s. It is his only chance to fool the eccentric genius intent on catching him. If it works, his utopia free of all criminals will surely be a reality placing him as the world’s new god. If he loses…

The second movie is even more gripping than the first. The appearance of a third Kira really complicates the plot and shows the mad brilliance of Light’s plan at the end when all is revealed. It also is an interesting character study. When Light gives up the Death Note in order to fool L (only one small part of his grand plan) he in turn loses all of his memories involved with the note. Suddenly he is returned to the mental state and personality he had prior to his involvement with the Death Note, the shinigami, and his warped view of justice coming to frightful light. His decisions at this time are fascinating to watch. Equally riveting is what happens when he gets his memories and the Death Note back. That’s when the movie truly starts to come into its own as an alternate take on the story everyone thought they knew.

That turning point shows the audience how cold, how calculating, and how merciless Light has become. He is willing to use and kill anyone, absolutely anyone, in order to get what he wants – his so-called perfect world with him as its god. That means even those closest to him are possible sacrifices to his new world order. His descent into evil is a disturbing and disquieting one. One of the reasons why is because some of his feelings are perfectly understandable: his frustration with the imperfect and often ineffectual justice system, his desire for a world filled with peace. But it is the cost and the actions he’s willing to take that strip his ideals of any true nobility and ensure his slide down that slippery slope, forming the chilling part of the tale.

Where the film most diverges from the original story is with the character of newscaster Kiyomi and the grand finale it leads up to. Much more focus and development is provided for her character in the film, changing her role from the manga and revealing her in the film as a hard-done by and ambitious news reporter whose desire to rise to the top is constantly thwarted until the Death Note lands in her lap. The Death Note can be used for many things. For Light it is a tool for his warped sense of justice, for Misa, a way to get the man she wants, for the 3rd Kira it is a way to get what they want, no matter the blood on their hands. Greed is shown to be a powerful motivator as well as pride. Each suffers from it in different measures in the film. But is it the note that corrupts people absolutely or is it flaws in the general makeup of the people who claim the Death Note that sees them descend into the worst evil? Does such power corrupts anyone and everyone or is it Light himself who was flawed to begin with? What, one can’t help but wonder, would L have done if he had the Death Note before Kira had ever emerged? The movie poses serious questions. It is a suspenseful but deeply philosophical cerebral thriller.

The climax of the story has a shocking reveal that even longtime Death Note fans will be surprised by. The conclusion is quite different from the original story while still keeping the essential truths of the tale the same. It is a thrilling turnaround and will leave jaws dropping and people talking at the end of the film.

The film continues with the same stellar cast, sophisticated directing by Sushuke Kaneko, and intriguing visuals as the first movie. The second film marks the theatrical debut of Nana Katase (known for her TV characters in Pretty Girls and GTO among numerous others TV series) as Kiyomi Takada. The added effect of the shinigami eyes was well done and visually effective. For fans of the anime English dubbing, most of the original English cast returns as the English voices in the live action, including Brad Swaile as Light and Alessandro Juliani, likely best known currently for his role as Gaeta in Battlestar Galactica, as the enigmatic L.
第1个回答  2009-10-15
第2个回答  2009-10-15
Death Note: The Last Name
The second movie, Death Note: The Last Name, premiered on November 3, 2006, and instantly topped the Japanese box office,[8] remaining at number one for four straight weeks,[9] and grossed 5.5 billion yen in Japan by the end of the year, making it one of the year's highest grossing Japanese films.[10]

The sequel was released in Hong Kong on November 3, 2006, in Taiwan on November 24, 2006, in Singapore on December 28, 2006, and in Malaysia on January 25, 2007, with English and Chinese subtitles.

Christy Lee S.W. of The Star, in her review of the second film, stated that Kaneko "did a good job" in pacing the film, adding that the increased pacing towards the end made some of the content difficult to understand. She also said that screenwriter Tetsuya Oishi made sure the characters were "well fleshed out" and easily empathized with
第3个回答  2009-10-16
l batter than kira