


沙特阿拉伯,首都利雅得,沙尘暴正向城市席卷而来,建筑物淹没在滚滚黄尘之中。全球气候变暖,导致干湿地区差异加剧,在内陆地区,沙尘暴每年正愈发嚣张的肆虐着人类。随着经济发展,全球城市化趋势愈加显著,据统计,1900年世界上城市人口比例为13%(2.2亿),到2005年该数字已提高到49% (32亿),同时预测表明,2030年该比例会增至60%(49亿)。

Pelalawan, Indonesia. Timber mills fell large area of primary forest and the wood will be made into paper. Local government benefits greatly from forest resources but destroy badly the local eology on the other hand.

Near Goumois, Jura, Switzerland, looking at a farm cottage from the cliff of Rocherdes Commetres. Switzerland has long been renowned for its excellent environmental protection. The countryside provides people with a natural and healthy life.

Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. A sand storm is sweeping towards the city. Buildings are flooded in thick clouds of yellow dust. Global warming causes the increase of the difference between dry and wet areas. In inland area, sand storms are torturing mankind even more wildly with each year passing by. With the development of economy, the trend of global urbanization becomes more and more obvious. According to statistics, in 1900 urban population took a proportion of 13% (220 million) of the world population, however, in 2005, this proportion rised up to 49% (3200 million). And it is estimated that in 2030, it will rise to 60% (4900 million).
第1个回答  2009-12-11
Indonesia, PELALAWAN, large-scale felling of native forest timber, the timber will be used for papermaking, the use of forest resources in the local government to obtain a great deal of interest and the local ecology are being severely damaged.

Switzerland, Sweden Goumois excellent near the cliff from the RocherdesSommetres see a farm house. Switzerland has always been known for its excellent environmental protection, rural individuals who bring natural, healthy life.

Saudi Arabia, the capital, Riyadh, dust storms swept toward cities, buildings submerged in billowing into Huang Chen. Global warming, leading to increasing differences between wet and dry areas, in the inland areas, dust storms and the ravages of a year is being increasingly arrogant mankind. Along with economic development, the global trend towards urbanization is even more significant, according to statistics, in 1900 the proportion of the world's urban population was 13% (2.2 million), by 2005 the figure had risen to 49% (32 million), while projections indicate that by 2030 years this proportion will increase
第2个回答  2009-12-10
Indonesia, PELALAWAN, large-scale felling of native forest timber, the timber will be used for papermaking, the use of forest resources in the local government to obtain a great deal of interest and the local ecology are being severely damaged.
Switzerland, Sweden Goumois excellent near the cliff from the RocherdesSommetres see a farm house. Switzerland has always been known for its excellent environmental protection, rural individuals who bring natural, healthy life.
Saudi Arabia, the capital, Riyadh, dust storms swept toward cities, buildings submerged in billowing into Huang Chen. Global warming, leading to increasing differences between wet and dry areas, in the inland areas, dust storms and the ravages of a year is being increasingly arrogant mankind. Along with economic development, the global trend towards urbanization is even more significant, according to statistics, in 1900 the proportion of the world's urban population was 13% (2.2 million), by 2005 the figure had risen to 49% (32 million), while projections indicate that by 2030 years this proportion will increase to 60% (49 million).