consider doing sth和consider todo sth区别在哪里?


从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析consider doing sth 和consider to do sth的区别,详细内容如下。

1. 释义区别:

- "Consider doing sth" 表示考虑或思考去做某事。

- "Consider to do sth" 在英语中并不常见,通常用法是将其替换为 "consider doing sth"。


- Consider doing sth: I'm considering going on a trip next month.


- Consider to do sth: 不常用,建议使用 "consider doing sth"。

2. 用法区别:

- "Consider doing sth" 是标准用法,表示考虑去做某事时,动词 "consider" 后面接动名词形式。

- "Consider to do sth" 并不是常见的英语用法,通常被视为非标准表达方式。


- Consider doing sth: Have you considered hiring a professional for the job?


- Consider to do sth: 不常用,建议使用 "consider doing sth"。

3. 使用环境区别:

- "Consider doing sth" 可以用于口语和书面语中的各种场合,表达对某事的考虑或思考态度。

- "Consider to do sth" 并不是常见用法,不建议在正式写作或口语中使用。


- Consider doing sth: She is considering changing her career path.


- Consider to do sth: 不常用,建议使用 "consider doing sth"。

4. 形象区别:

- "Consider doing sth" 强调对某事的思考和考虑,并暗示着对相关事项的深入思考。

- "Consider to do sth" 并不常见,因此没有明显的形象区别。


- Consider doing sth: It's important to consider all the options before making a decision.


- Consider to do sth: 不常用,建议使用 "consider doing sth"。

5. 影响范围区别:

- "Consider doing sth" 强调个体对某事的思考和考虑,影响范围较为个人化。

- "Consider to do sth" 并不常见,因此对影响范围没有明显区别。


- Consider doing sth: After careful consideration, she decided to pursue further education.


- Consider to do sth: 不常用,建议使用 "consider doing sth"。
