

  路遥(1949—1992)原名王卫国,汉族,1949年12月3日生于陕西榆林市清涧县一个贫困的农民家庭,7岁时因为家里困难被过继给延川县农村的伯父。曾在延川县立中学学习,1969年回乡务农。这段时间里他做过许多临时性的工作,并在农村一小学中教过一年书。1973年进入延安大学中文系学习,其间开始文学创作。大学毕业后,任《陕西文艺》(今为《延河》)编辑。1980年发表《惊人动魄的一幕》,获得第一届全国优秀中篇小说奖。1982年发表中篇小说《人生》描写一个农村知识青年的人生追求和曲折经历,引起很大反响,获全国第二届优秀中篇小说奖,改编成同名电影后,获第八届大众电影百花奖最佳故事片奖,轰动全国。《在困难的日子里》获1982年《当代》文学中长篇小说奖。1988年完成百万字的长篇巨著《平凡的世界》,这是一部全景式地表现当代城乡社会生活的长篇小说。全书共三册。作者在近十年间的广阔背景上,通过复杂的矛盾纠葛,刻划了社会各阶层众多普通人的形象。劳动与爱情,挫折与追求,痛苦与欢乐,日常生活与巨大社会冲突,纷繁地交织在一起,深刻地展示了普通人在大时代历史进程中所走过的艰难曲折的道路。 这部小说以其恢宏的气势和史诗般的品格,全景式地表现了改革时代中国城乡的社会生活和人们思想情感的巨大变迁,路遥因此而荣获茅盾文学奖。还未完成即在中央人民电台广播。1992年11月17日上午8时20分,路遥因病医治无效在西安逝世,年仅42岁。

  Yao Lu (1949-1992) Original name Wang Weiguo, the Han Nationality, on December 3, 1949 had been born in a Shaanxi Yulin Qingjian County impoverished farmer family, when 7 years old because in the family is adopted difficultly for Yanchuan County countryside uncle.Once studied in the yanchuan county-operated middle school's, in 1969 returned to home village to work at farming.In this period of time he has done many temporary work, and has taught a year book in a countryside elementary school.In 1973 entered the Yan'an University Chinese department study, during started the literature creation.After university graduation, no matter what "the Shaanxi Literary arts" (now is "Yan River") edits.In 1980 published "Astonishing Soul-stirring One", won the first session of national outstanding novelette prize.In 1982 published the novelette "Life" to describe a countryside educated youth's life pursue and the winding experience, caused the very big echo, won the national second session of outstanding novelette prize, after reorganized the movie of the same name, won the eighth session of populace movie hundred-flowers award best narrative movie prize, caused a sensation throughout the land."In Difficult Day" attained in 1982 "Present age" in the literature the novel prize.In 1988 completed 1,000,000 characters the lengthy works "Ordinary World", this was a panoram type performance present age city and countryside social life novel.Entire book altogether three volume.The author in the near ten year between broad background, through the complex contradictory entanglement, has scored the social various social strata multitudinous average person's image.Work and love, setback and pursue, pain and happy, daily life and huge social conflict, interweaves complexly in the same place, had demonstrated profoundly average person difficult path which passes through in the great time historic course.
第1个回答  2009-06-29
Lu Yao's life is full of suffering, of Creative Luyao is a portrayal of their lives with the crystal. Luyao's life and creative process are beyond the performance itself as a continuous process. At present, we still need to literary realism, we of life for the people still need to do the public and writing writers, Lu Yao's name will be eternal life and works.
《Ordinary World》
《Yellow leaves falling in autumn in》
《Soul-stirring scene》
《You could not think of how》
《In the difficult days》
《Good morning, from noon to start》
《Luyao short stories》
《Luyao Prose Essay》

第2个回答  2009-07-01
《Ordinary World》
《Yellow leaves falling in autumn in》
《Soul-stirring scene》
《You could not think of how》
《In the difficult days》
《Good morning, from noon to start》
《Luyao short stories》
《Luyao Prose Essay》
