
I used to believe the Patience is helpful for love. I have been waiting for long time. But today, I know it's helpless because of some deadly words.Somebody may ask me how you understand the real love is. What's my answer? Maybe yes ,maybe no.
These days, I always have such a question, Are only smart boys can posess their real love? If the answer is YES,then what's the reason. Ugly face, bad hairstyle, close-mouthed character and so on. I just want to tell everyone it not is my error. I also expect to be more handsome.
For her ,I can help her as much as possible and try my best to do any thing. On that so heavy rain day,my friend and I,just had only one umbrella. But some girls including her,they couldn't go home without an umbrella. They asked us lend the umbrella to them. Of course,I did it.In the end, although I saw her mother and her go home with an umbrella that is not mine, I felt very excited.Even her "THANK YOU" made me toss and turned all night.
Now the life of middle school have finished. No doubt about it,my wait has no outcome.the result of last exam has announced.It's my first time that see my mother cry.Her eyes full with distress.At this moment, I konw I'm wrong.I konw beautiful love doesn't belong to me.For me, my mother,my future,being intent on study is the only way.
So, god help me let her go !PLEASE RELEASE ME

对她来说,我可以帮她尽可能和尽我所能,做任何事情。在这样的大雨一天,我的朋友和我,就像只有一个保护伞。但是,一些女孩,包括她的,他们不能回家没有雨伞。他们问我们提供给他们的保护伞。当然,我也它.在结束,但我看到她母亲和她回家用一把雨伞是不是我的,我觉得她非常兴奋.偶数 “谢谢你”让我抛,并把所有夜间。


第1个回答  2009-06-23