初二 英语 初二英语改错题 请详细解答,谢谢! (7 20:4:38)

1、Have  you  collected  something  as  a  hobby ?
2、Here' s  the  TV ,  if  you  want  to  watch  it ,  you  can  open  it  on .
3、I  bought  the  camera  last  week ,  but  it  can' t  work  now .
4、A  honest  person  always  tells  the  truth .
5、The  music  sounds  bad ,  please  play  another  one .
6、—  How  long  do  you  go  home  to  see  your  parents ?   —  Every  week .
7、Every  morning  I  get  up  early  so  I  won' t  be  late  for  school .

1. Have you collected anything as a hobby?疑问句中,something 改为anything。
2. Here's the TV, if you want to watch it, you can open it. open是及物动词,后面直接加宾语,也可以改成turn it on.
3. I bought the camera last week , but it doesn't work now. doesn't work 是固定搭配。
4.An honest person always tells the truth. honest的拼写虽以辅音开头,但发音却以元音开头。
5. The music sounds bad , please play another piece. music是不可数名词,不能用one,习惯搭配 a piece of music.
6. — How often do you go home to see your parents? —Every week. how often 表示频率,是固定搭配。
7. Every morning I get up early so that I won't be late for school. so that... 意思是以至于....., 根据语境应使用该短语。
第1个回答  2009-06-10
第二个吧open改成turn 因为英语中打开电视(包括其他电器)都是用turn/switch on 这两个短语,open是用来开窗户之类的
第三个是把can't改成doesn't因为东西不工作都是用一个短语——sth doesn't work
第五个有错的话就把music改成a piece of
第六个是把how long改成how often因为howlong是问世间,howoften是问频率
第2个回答  2009-06-07
1、Have you collected something as a hobby ?
把 something 改成 anything . 因为something 一般用在肯定句中,anything一般用在否定和疑问句中.

2、Here' s the TV , if you want to watch it , you can open it on
open 改成turn turn on 指打开灯或电视等

3、I bought the camera last week , but it can' t work now .
can' t ---does`n

4、A honest person always tells the truth .
A ---An

5、The music sounds bad , please play another one .
把 one 去掉

6、— How long do you go home to see your parents ? — Every week .
How long --- How often 就频率提问用How often

7、Every morning I get up early so I won' t be late for school .
won' t ---- don`t
第3个回答  2009-06-07
1:Have you ever collected someting as a hobby?
Have you collected anything as a hobby?
2:Here's the tv,if you want to watch it, you can turn it on.
3:I bought the camera last week, but it couldn't work now.
4:An honest person always tells the truth.
5:The music sounds bad,please play another one.
6:How often do you go home to see your parents ?

7、Every morning I get up early so that I won' t be late for school