

元音字母a e i/y o u元音字组ar er ir or ur are ere ire ore ure ai/ay air al au/aw ea ear ee eer ei/ey eu/ew ie oa oar/oor oi/oy oo ou/ow our ui 辅音字母b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w- x y- z

辅音字组ch -ck -dge dr- -ds gh gu- kn- -mn ng ph qu- sh -tch th tr- -ts wh- wr-


读 音

例 词




name plane Jane baby cake



bag dad hat map black back




he these me Chinese



bed let pen desk yes egg




bike fly drive time nice kite



fish big drink sit milk swim




those close go hoe home no


[ ]

clock not box shop sock




student excuse duty Tuesday


[ ]

bus cup jump much lunch

在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,例如:June blue ruler super


读 音

例 词


[ ]

China another woman breakfast


orange comrade village cabbage


[ ]

hundred student open moment


chicken pocket begin children


[ ]/[i]

holiday beautiful family animal


exercise satellite


[ ]

second tonight somebody welcome

[ u]

also zero photo


[ ]

autumn difficult


popular congratulation January


u处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读[u(:)]音,例如:July influence February issue


读 音

例 词


[ ]

want what watch wash quality

a在f n sk ph sp ss st th前


after plant graph ask grasp glass fast father

i在-nd -ld和gh前


find child light high

o在-st -ld前


most postcard old cold

o在m n v th前

[ ]

come monkey love mother


读 音

例 词




car farm dark sharpener

[ :]

warm quarter towards



[ :]

forty morning short

[ :]

word worker worse

er ir ur

[ :]

certainly bird Thursday

辅音字母r双写时,前面的元音字母不能与r构成-r音节,而是按重读闭音节的拼读规则发音。例如: carry berry mirror sorry hurry

-r音节元音字组在非重读音节中通常读[ ]音,例如:dollar teacher martyr comfort Saturday


读 音

例 词


[ε ]

care dare hare


[i ]

here mere


[ai ]

fire hire wire


[ :]

more score before


[ju ]

pure cure

完整的-re音节are ere ire ore很少出现在非重读音节中,ure在非重读音节中读[ ]音,例如:picture pleasure

非重读音节中-re音节的变体通常发[ r]音,例如:salary


例如:parent zero inspiring story during


例如:orange very American paragraph forest spirit
第1个回答  2009-07-31

a /ei/ name cake table

/æ/ apple cat map am

/α: / want dance

/o/ what watch

b /b/ book big bag box

c /k/ cat cake cup clock car

/s/ face nice pencil books

d /d/ desk doll dog dad

e /i:/ he she meet me

/e/ elephant egg bed pen

f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan

g /ɡ/ gun glass glad glove
/dз / age orange

h /h/ hat he house hand

i /ai / fine bike five ice

/i/ is sit miss pig picture

j / dз / jeep jam jacket jar

k /k/ kite cake black thank

l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp

/l/ apple bowl tell old

m/m/ am map my mouth milk

n /n/ no know new hand

o /əu / old home nose coke

/o/ dog not clock box

/∧ / son month mother love
p /p/ map jeep pig pen apple

q /kw / quite quilt quick

r /r/ red radio brother racket

s /s/ sit miss this smile books

/z/ nose those rose rulers

t /t/ it sit not that table little

u /ju: / use usually excuse

/∧ / bus us sun duck

/ u / put pull push

v /v / five vase very seven

w /w/ we window watch want

x /ks / box six fox
y /ai / my fly why bye

/ j / yes yellow

/ i / happy baby very

z / z / zoo zero


ai /ei/ wait paint

ay /ei/ may play day say

air /εə / air hair chair

al /o: / tall small ball

ar /α: / farther farm car arm

ea /i:/ meat please tea read

/e/ head bread ready

/ iə / theater

ear / iə / ear hear near

/ εə / bear

/ ə: / earth

ee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep

eir / εə / their

er / ə / worker teacher

/ ə: / her

ere /i ə / here

/εə / where there
ew /ju: / new few

/u: / flew grew

ight /ai / right high bright

ir /ə: / bird girl shirt thirty

oa /əu / boat coat

ong /oŋ / long song

oo /u/ book foot good

/u:/ moon balloon

or / : / short fork port

/ə: / word world work

oor /o: / door floor

ore /o:/ more store sore
ou / au / out house mouth

our /o: / four your

/auə / our

ow/ əu / bowl window

/au / now cow flower

oy /oi/ boy toy

ur / ə: / turn


th /θ/ thank mouth

/ δ/ this that with
tr /tr/ tree train truck

dr /dr/ dress driver

sh /∫/ shirt wash short

ch /t∫/ child chair catch

/ k / school Christmas

/ dз/ sandwich

tw /tw/ two twin twenty

wh /w/ white wheel what

/h/ who whose whom

ts /ts/ jackets kites

ds /dz/ birds
第2个回答  2009-08-04
a /ei/ name cake table

/æ/ apple cat map am

/α: / want dance

/o/ what watch

b /b/ book big bag box

c /k/ cat cake cup clock car

/s/ face nice pencil books

d /d/ desk doll dog dad

e /i:/ he she meet me

/e/ elephant egg bed pen

f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan

g /ɡ/ gun glass glad glove
/dз / age orange

h /h/ hat he house hand

i /ai / fine bike five ice

/i/ is sit miss pig picture

j / dз / jeep jam jacket jar

k /k/ kite cake black thank

l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp

/l/ apple bowl tell old

m/m/ am map my mouth milk

n /n/ no know new hand

o /əu / old home nose coke

/o/ dog not clock box

/∧ / son month mother love
p /p/ map jeep pig pen apple

q /kw / quite quilt quick

r /r/ red radio brother racket

s /s/ sit miss this smile books

/z/ nose those rose rulers

t /t/ it sit not that table little

u /ju: / use usually excuse

/∧ / bus us sun duck

/ u / put pull push

v /v / five vase very seven

w /w/ we window watch want

x /ks / box six fox
y /ai / my fly why bye

/ j / yes yellow

/ i / happy baby very

z / z / zoo zero


ai /ei/ wait paint

ay /ei/ may play day say

air /εə / air hair chair

al /o: / tall small ball

ar /α: / farther farm car arm

ea /i:/ meat please tea read

/e/ head bread ready

/ iə / theater

ear / iə / ear hear near

/ εə / bear

/ ə: / earth

ee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep

eir / εə / their

er / ə / worker teacher

/ ə: / her

ere /i ə / here

/εə / where there
ew /ju: / new few

/u: / flew grew

ight /ai / right high bright

ir /ə: / bird girl shirt thirty

oa /əu / boat coat

ong /oŋ / long song

oo /u/ book foot good

/u:/ moon balloon

or / : / short fork port

/ə: / word world work

oor /o: / door floor

ore /o:/ more store sore
ou / au / out house mouth

our /o: / four your

/auə / our

ow/ əu / bowl window

/au / now cow flower

oy /oi/ boy toy

ur / ə: / turn


th /θ/ thank mouth

/ δ/ this that with
tr /tr/ tree train truck

dr /dr/ dress driver

sh /∫/ shirt wash short

ch /t∫/ child chair catch

/ k / school Christmas

/ dз/ sandwich

tw /tw/ two twin twenty

wh /w/ white wheel what

/h/ who whose whom

ts /ts/ jackets kites

ds /dz/ birds