
本次环境工程课程设计的课题为L市某经济开发区城市污水处理厂的设计—— A2O工艺。主要任务是工艺流程选择及构筑物设计和计算。

The environmental engineering course design task for a L economic development zone, the design of urban sewage treatment plants A2O process. Main task is to select and process design and calculation of the structures.
Among the preliminary design to finish the design specification, a copy of the sewage treatment plant, a general layout, the flow chart, a major equipment figure. Single processing structures in the working drawing design, mainly is completed the oxidation ditch plan and section.
The sewage treatment plant engineering, the total scale to 24 tons/day. The sewage wastewater treatment process for sewage from inner to sink, sand pool, enter aeration, finally, the second pond water, The process of sludge from the second pond for discharge of sludge concentration, the first enter pool of sludge dewatering, concentration, further to landfill.
After the sewage treatment plant water national integrated wastewater discharge standard (GB8978-1996) secondary standard.
Choose A2O craft, has the good function of phosphorus and nitrogen