
位于“两江四湖”的日月双塔,其中日塔是目前世界上最高的铜塔,铜塔位于美丽的杉湖中心, 是中国第一座全铜宝塔,高达42米,共9层,用600吨铜铸成。湖底有一条10米长的湖底隧道与另一7层高的宝塔相连,双塔相映成趣, 为两江四湖一绝。此铜塔有九层,第九层面积20平方米,能容纳10人开会,在此处开会将会有一种高高在上,一揽众山小的感觉。比较适合企业及政府高层圆桌会议。

In the "two rivers Sihu" Twin Towers of the sun, which is the tower on the world's tallest tower of copper, copper tower located in the beautiful Sequoia Lake Center, is China's first all-copper pagoda, as high as 42 meters, a total of 9 layers, with 600 tons of copper into. The bottom of the lake there is a lake 10 m long tunnel with another 7-storey pagoda connected the twin towers

相映成趣for Sihu Liangjiang a must. This nine-story bronze tower, the ninth floor area of 20 square meters, can accommodate 10 people held a meeting here on will have a high, get a sense of small hills. More suitable for enterprises and government high-level Round Table.
The first tier can accommodate 50 people with a buffet, next to Tower 15 can perform the theatrical performances, playing for the national musical instrument tower. The lake is also suitable for performances, such as the Osprey fishing.
第1个回答  2009-07-20
In the "two rivers Sihu" Twin Towers of the sun, which is the tower on the world's tallest tower of copper, copper tower located in the beautiful Sequoia Lake Center, is China's first all-copper pagoda, as high as 42 meters, a total of 9 layers, with 600 tons of copper into. The bottom of the lake there is a lake 10 m long tunnel with another 7-storey pagoda connected the twin towersfor Sihu Liangjiang a must. This nine-story bronze tower, the ninth floor area of 20 square meters, can accommodate 10 people held a meeting here on will have a high, get a sense of small hills. More suitable for enterprises and government high-level Round Table.
The first tier can accommodate 50 people with a buffet, next to Tower 15 can perform the theatrical performances, playing for the national musical instrument tower. The lake is also suitable for performances, such as the Osprey fishing.