我的鞋子19元钱 用英文怎么说


The price of my shoes is nineteen yuan .
①The price of +商品名称+is/are……
如the price of the apple is 3yuan a kilo
②sth.cost sb. +价格
如 the clothes costs me ten yuan .
③it takes sb. +价钱+to buy sth.
如 it takes me twenty yuan to buy the pen.
④sb. spend+钱数+buying sth.
如 i spent one hundred yuan buying that watch
第1个回答  2009-06-11
My shoes cost me 19yuan
或者 I spent 19yuan on my shoes.
第2个回答  2009-06-11
It takes me 19yuan to buy this pair of shoes.
My shoes cost me 19yuan.
I spent 19yuan on my shoes.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2009-06-11
I spent 19 yuan on my shoes.
或My shoes cost me 19 yuan.
或It takes me 19 yuan to buy this pair of shoes.
或I cost 19 yuan for this pair of shoes.