ok.let me share my own opinion. not for your score but just for fun
talking with you;) you make me recall my foreign teacher or maybe you
are a Chinese in command of good English. i am just a common person
with average English. so don't focus on my mistakes ,just on the ideas
i wanna state. as long as you can understand me , it's enough.:)
you know ,we are Chinese. China has a long history not only in
social development but also in writing. we have various sytles of
writing--anciet and modern poems,essays,lyrics,plays,novels and so on.
however,almost most Chinese consider the anciet poems as the most
beautiful and meaningful. it's pity few foreigners can understand
Chinese anciet poems and they can be hardly translated exactly.thus ,i
will take the anciet poem as an example for writing.following is my
personal opinions.
in a word,a good writing should have the nature of freedom.
for the writer,you are free to express whatever you think,but
however casual your writing is ,there is still a key point you focus
on. there is a most famous Chinese poet named Li Bai.when reading his
poems,you are like looking at a large piece of drawing. all is
beautiful ,but still there would be sth that most impresses you---
maybe his outlook of life behind the drawing or just one unique flower
of all the flowers he draws. the view may vary from person to
person,but every reader will be content to understand the poet in some
way. what i will stress here is the freedom of writer .don't pay too
much attention to What elements should be included in, Using what
kind of words or sentence stuctures. you write just because you want
to express sth. your idea has its own life. so just give life to your
idea and then let him live in his own way,but ask him not to lose his
soul. a good writing gives freedom to its writer.
for the readers,a good writing will stir your emotion, imagination
and give you sth. refreshing. you will be liberated from real life.
when reading ,you are like dreaming or leading a new life. you can
enjoy thorough freedom in your spiritual world. also take Li Bai's
poems for example. in fact, few Chinese can understand the ancient
poems thoroughly, let alone foreigners. but we can touch its soul in
some way,feeling its beauty and partial meaning. even though we can't
understand the poem at all,we still can appreciate it. that's the
charm of anciet poem . it liberates you from all chains. a good
writing gives freedom to its readers as well.
you can recall all those writings that have impressed you. do they
have similarities in diction.sentence structure or figures of speech?
as far as i am concerned, the answer is definitely "no". every writing
is unique. but we regard all of them good writing.
ye.maybe poem is of a different kind. for common writing, The basics
is to be undertood(at least to some extent). but i am sure the higher
goal is to be art. Then how to break the bottle neck? when you achieve
freedom in your spiritual world.