
为了慰问灾区的小朋友,6月1日上午,Tom King 作为志愿者前往儿童医院,与小朋友们一起共度儿童节。他带了一些书和玩具,为孩子们洗衣服,打扫房间,一起下棋,讲故事,做游戏,孩子们非常开心。下午回家后,Tom King写下了当天的日记。

In order to condolence the children of the disaster places ,Tom King ,as a Volunteer ,celebrated Children's Day with the little children in Children's hospital. he took some kinds of books and toys ,and also did some washing and cleaning for them. Besides,he played chess ,told many fantastic fairy tales and played many interesting games with the children . All of them felt very happy.
Tom King wrote a dairy after he went back home that afternoon.