

一般现在时是讲一般发生的事情,常和频率副词一起。如:She cleans her bedroom every day.
一般过去时是讲过去发生的事情,过去的了,和现在没有一点关系。如:She cleaned her bedroom yesterday.
现在进行时则是现在进行的。构成:be+动词-ing。如:She is cleaning her bedroom now.
过去进行时则与现在进行时差不多。构成:be的过去式+动词的ing.如:They were talking loudly.
现在完成时(The Present Perfect Tense)

1. 动作发生于一个非确定的过去的时间(过去的时间并不重要或根本不知道),但它的结果仍对现在有影响.

I have read the letter, and I know what it is about.

2. 动作发生在过去,目前仍在继续或刚刚结束, 常和 "for" 加上 "一段时间", 或"since" 加上"一个确切的过去的时间" 连用.

a) "for" 用于过去的一段时间. (动词必须是可以延续的)

He has been there for six months. 她去那儿有6个月了。


He went there 6 months ago.

He has never been there. 他从来都没去过那里。(直到现在)

b) "since" 用于过去的一个确切的时间, 意思是"从那时一直到现在", 总是和完成

时一齐用, 而且不能省略. (主句动词必须是可以延续的)

Tim has been in Nantong since January. 自从1月份以来他一直都在南通。(现在仍在南通)

注意: "since" 后面的确切的过去的时间也可以是一个含有过去时的从句.

He has been interested in collecting coins since he was a child.


c) 现在完成时常和短语 "up to now /till now", "so far" (意思是从过去某一确定的时间一直延续到现在.)

Up to/till now he's read many story books. 至今他已读过好多故事书。

I've been to New York three times so far. 至今我已到纽约去过三次。

3. 刚刚完成的动作.

I've just got a letter from my brother.

4. "already" 用于现在完成时的肯定句中, "yet" 用于现在完成时的否定句和疑问句中

He has (already) visited many places in China. (already)

He has come back now. Have you ever been to Australia?

注意 "already" 在句中的两种位置.

The train hasn't arrived yet.火车(到现在)还没有到。

Has she arrived yet? 她已经到了吗?Hasn't he come yet? 她还没来吗?

I haven't been very successful so far.我一直都没有成功。

注意: "have been"(去过) 和 "have gone"(去了) 的区别:

He has gone to Beijing . (He is there or is on his way there.)

He has been to Shanghai . (He was there once, but he is not there now.)

5. 当现在完成时句中无时间状语, 它只是指一个简单的已经完成的动作

I've cleaned the sitting-room. 我已把起居室打扫过了。(已完成了工作)

6. 现在完成时可以用来表示一个反复发生的动作.

He has rung me up five times today. (五次分隔的行为)

8. 一般过去时(常带有确切的表示过去的时间状语)和现在完成时的比较:

When did you stay at this hotel?

I stayed here five years ago.

Have you ever stayed at this hotel?

Yes, I've stayed here twice. (无确切的过去的时间状语)

Yes, I stayed here for two months. (过去的一段时间, 我已不在那儿.)

Yes, I stayed here five years ago. (有确切的过去的时间状语)

How long have you been staying at this hotel?仍在这儿)

9. 通常和现在完成时一起用的副词:

I have just got a letter from my brother.

He has already bought an American car and has gone to the U.S.A.

He has been there for six months so far.

Mother has never been abroad before.


already, yet, just, ever, never, before

today, now, this morning, this week, these days, in the past two years

for three hours, for two weeks, for years, for a long time

since three o'clock, since last Tuesday, since 1980, since then

since he came here, since we began to learn English

II. Put the following into Chinese and tell out the difference between them:

1. I have seen the film. I saw it last night.

2. The plane has not arrived yet. It will arrive soon.

3. Where have you been? I have been to the library.

What did you do there? I returned some books.

4. Where is Xiao Li? He has gone to the playground.

5. What are you doing now? I am reading a book on radio.

How many pages have you read? About thirty.

6. How long have you been a Party member?

I have been a Party member for five years. I joined the Party five years ago.

7. She has learned English since 1981. (for ten years)

8. I haven't seen him since he went to the north.

III. Complete the sentences, using "for" and "since":

1. we, study, English, (five years, 1982)

2. nobody, write, to us, (National Day, almost a month)

3. it, not rain, (a long time, October)

4. i, not play, football, (last Sunday, a week)

5. he, work, in this factory, (more than ten years, 1976)

IV. Ask questions about the underlined parts:

1. Miss Brown has lived in China for ten years.

2. They have found a tortoise on the river bank.

3. We have visited the factory twice.

4. A famous scientist has just come to our school.

5. I have bought a Chinese-English Dictionary.

6. He has made ten model planes since morning.

V. Complete the following, and then give short answers:

1. Have you _______________________________ ?

be to the bookshop do your homework

return the book to him write to her

2. Has she _________________________________?

go to see the doctor borrow the magazines

clean the classroom read the story

3. How many ___________________ have you __________________ ?

learn English songs do maths exercises

built new houses take photos

4. How long has his brother _____________________ ?

study Russian stay in Beijing

be a League member teacher of this school

(Note the changes in the verbs)

join ------ be a member of buy ------ have

------ be in fall ill ------- be ill

die ------ be dead catch a cold ------ have a cold

borrow ---- keep come ------ be here

come back ------ be back come to China ----- be in China

come to work here --- work here begin ------ be on

begin to study here ----- study leave ------ be away (from)

leave here ------ be away from here go to bed ------ be asleep

start teaching ------ teach become a worker ---- be a worker

get to know each other --- know each other

take an interest in ----- be interested in

turn…on/off----- keep…on/off


VI. Correct the mistakes in the following:

1. He has bought the pen for two years.

2. I have borrowed the book for two years.

3. The film has begun for half an hour.

4. They have come here for a month.

5. We have begun to learn English for a year.

6. My brother has joined the army for two years.

7. We have built a lot of new houses for two years.

8. When have you got there? Last year.

9. He has found the bike just now.

10. I'm glad you've come back. How long have you stayed there?

VII. Put in the verbs in their proper forms:

1. - What ________ Tom _________ (do) now?

- He ____________ (work) on a maths problem.

- _______ he _________(work) it out?

- No, not yet. I ___________ (think) he ____________ (work) it out soon.

2. Mr Smith ___________ (visit) China twice since 1980.

3. - What ______ he ___________(do)when you _________ (go) to see him yesterday morning?

- He ____________ (write) a letter ot his mother.

4. There ___________ (be) a football match tomorrow. ______ you _________ (go) with us?

5. I don't know how long he ___________ (be) a League member.

6. - Where does your father _________ (work)?

- He _____________ (work) in that factory.

- How long __________ he __________ (work) there?

- For over twenty years.

7. - _______ you _______ (write) to your father recently?

- Yes, I _________.

8. - _______ the train __________ (arrive) yet?

- No, not yet.

- When ___________ it _________ (arrive) then?

- In ten minutes.

9. - What ________ you _________(do) now?

- I _______________ (read) a book.

- How many pages ________ you _________ (read)?

- About thirty.

10. They _____________ (have) five English evenings last term.

11. They _____________ (have) five English evenings since last term.

12. If it _________ (not rain) tomorrow, we _________ (play) football.

VIII. Give the English for these:

1. 你去过长城吗? 去过. 我是 1980 年去那儿的.

2. 他自从去了美国以来还没有给我写过信.

3. 怀特一家在这里住了已有十年了.

4. 在最近的十年里工人们在上海造了许多新房子.

5. 史密斯先生来中国有两星期了.

6. 小李在那儿? 他去了图书馆

7. 你爸爸当教师有多久了?

8. 这本书你读了几遍?