be 动词的用法


be 1. 存在;在;活着,生存: 例句: Caesar is no more.恺撒已不复存在了。 2. 举行;发生,产生: 例句: When will the wedding be?婚礼何时举行? 3. (人)留下,逗留;(继续)呆;保持原状: 例句: Will he be here long?他将在此久留吗? 4. 降落到,降到头上;属(于): 例句: Peace be with you.祝你平安。5. 在…地方(或位置): 例句: The door is on your left.门在你左边。 6. [作系词时,表示属性、身份、价值、原因]是,就是;等于;值: 例句: Mrs. Siddons was an actress.
西登斯太太曾是个女演员。 7. 是[用作系词,连接主语和表语形容词、表语名词等,表示状态、性质,或详述其情况]: 例句: Harry is president.哈里是总裁。 8. 是[用作系词,引出或形成疑问句或祈使句]: 例句: Is that wrong?那样做错了吗? 9. .[作助动词时被用于]: 1) [与及物动词的过去分词连用,构成被动语态]被…: 例句:She will be sued.她将被起诉。 2) [与某些不及物动词的过去分词连用,构成完成时态]: 例句: Christ is risen.基督升天了。 3) [与另一动词的现在分词连用形成进行式]持续,继续: 例句:I am waiting.我正在等候着。 4) [与另一动词的现在分词或不定式连用表示将来的行动、可能性、义务、职责、意图、目的、用途、安排、命令、命中注定等]: 例句: Jane is visiting New York next week.简下周访问纽约。 5) [用于虚拟语气]: 例句: If it were to rain,we would have to cancel the match tomorrow.
假如下雨的话,我们明天就得取消比赛。 6) [古语、诗歌用语][与不及物动词come,go,fall,flee,grow等的过去分词连用,构成完成时]: 例句: Tom is grown.汤姆已长大成人了
第1个回答  2016-04-24
be [bi:](be/is/are/am/was/were)
he is, we are, you are, they are (缩略式 I'm, you're, he's, we're, you're, they're), (否定缩略式 I'm not, isn't, aren't), 过去时 I was, you were, he was, we were, you were, they were (过去时否定缩略式 wasn't, weren't),过去分词been,现在分词being
“Be”除了原形的“be”之外,还有另外七种形式:am, is, are, been, being, was, were.
在句子中,“be”可以是主动词(The Principal Verb)或助动词(The Auxiliary Verb)
【当做主动词时,“be”在性质上属于接系动词(The Linking Verb), 后面要有名词、形容词、地方副词或短语作补足语(The Complement)。】例如:
The man is a science teacher.
Mary's new dresses are colourful.
I havebeen there before.
My motheris in the kitchen now.
Is the man a science teacher?
Are Mary's new dresses colourful?
Have I been there before?
Is mother in the kitchen now?
Don't be silly!
Do be obedient!
Be careful!
Don'tbe a fool!
He's not...../He isn't....
You're not...../You aren't...
★但“am + not”的缩写法只有一个:
I'm not.
【1.】“Be + 现在分词”以组成进行式时态(Continuous Tenses),如:
Tony's maidis washing his new car.
The children are playing in the field.
Samuel was eating when I came in.
We have been living here since 1959.
【2.】“事/物人 +Be + 过去分词”以组成被动语态(The Passive Voice),如:
Her money in the drawer was stolen
A number of good jobs are taken up by foreigners
David studied in Taiwan but hasbeen trained as a language lecturer in America
Can all the wonderful birds be found in our Bird Park
The disobedient boywas told to stand out- side the classroom
Steps are being taken to reduce traffic con- gestion during peak hours
Dishonest students will be immediately dealt with本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2019-12-11
第3个回答  2020-01-10
第4个回答  2020-01-10