

Because of the school system that we have in our Country,the English exam seems to be。 more important everyday.But i think people start to forget that English is actually a。

language that more than 20% of people in the world speak every day in their daily life.I am not a supporter of reggress English exams like we are having right now,the reason is that as foreign speaker of English。

we should spractice more in real life or in classes,testing is just a format to memorize all of the words or grammers that we leant rather using it effectively in real life when we needed to。




第1个回答  2017-02-04
How time flies! The term is ending. This term I only learned how to BaiduYixia and Baiduzhidao. I had completed all my homework on time but I did not gain any knowledge and I just copy whole sale and give it to my teachers. I regretted I wasted one term for being a lazy student. I promise myself not to do it again in future. I must do all my homework by myself. Baiduyixia is only for my reference only.本回答被网友采纳