live near a bay in Sydney and I go on a bike ride almost every day. I see lots of people riding

live near a bay in Sydney and I go on a bike ride almost every day. I see lots of people riding their bike and others just walking and enjoying the 41 .
On Sundays, there are more people around the 42 . I love riding my bike then 43 I can give as many smiles as possible to other. Today, on may way back home, I 44 a little girl walking with her mom 45 a box of things in her hand. It was so beautiful to see how happy they were. I kept riding my bike and I noticed a shiny 46 on the ground. I didn't do anything at first, but then I thought maybe it 47 the little girl.
I turned around to 48 the necklace. 49 , it was still there, but for a second I thought that 50 it wasn’t hers. I decided to go and ask them before picking it up. I 51 again, and started looking for the mom and her daughter. I easily 52 them and noticed that they were looking for something 53 from the box.
I stopped and asked, "Did she drop her necklace?"
"Yes," her mom replied.
"I saw it. I'll go to 54 it." I answered.
I went back and picked up the necklace. They were very happy and the mom asked her daughter to thank me. It was the best 55 of my day.
56 the necklace was a simple chain made of 57 , the happiness on both the mom and her daughter's face was 58 . It made me feel so good , and I am so glad that I went back to ask them.
Never 59 when you know you're about to do an act of 60 . Just go for it and it'll make you feel blessed, I promise!翻译

