

1. Canada is a vast country located in North America, ranking among the largest nations in the world and being one of the English-speaking nations.
2. The English spoken in Canada is a standard variety with distinct characteristics that set it apart from American and British English.
3. Canadian English boasts a unique lexicon and usage, including terms such as "toque" for a hat, "double-double" for a coffee order with two creams and two sugars, "loonie" and "toonie" for coins worth one and two dollars respectively, and "poutine," a beloved dish consisting of fries, cheese, and gravy.
4. Grammatically, Canadian English exhibits certain differences, including the倾向 to spell words with "ou" instead of "o" (e.g., colour, favour, neighbour), the use of "-re" instead of "-er" in certain words (e.g., centre, theatre, metre), and the preference for "-ise" over "-ize" in specific words (e.g., organise, realise, recognise).