

According to the statistics of depression patients in 2020, the proportion of depression among China's 1.4 billion people is as high as 6.9%, that is, more than 96million people in China are depression patients.

Even if the prevalence of depression is so high, many people do not have a correct understanding of depression. When they see patients with depression, they will also ask, how can people who are obviously optimistic and giggle every day suffer from depression?

In fact, depression is a disease. Personality is only an influencing factor, not a decisive factor. People who are not optimistic will not suffer from depression. Conversely, introverted and pessimistic people will not necessarily suffer from depression. There are many reasons for depression, and the following pathogenic factors are worthy of vigilance.

1. Pursue perfection

Perfectionists are not in the minority. They strive to be perfect no matter what they do. They want to be perfect in everything in life and work. Such a character will bring great pressure to themselves.

But people, things and things in life are difficult to be truly perfect. For perfectionists, once things fail to meet expectations, they will have a strong sense of frustration in their hearts. Once they lose confidence in life, they are easy to suffer from depression.

2. Heredity

The heredity referred to here is not depression itself, but the constitution prone to depression. In the genes in the human body, there is an indole derivative called serotonin, which can produce happy emotions and plays a very important role in inhibiting bad emotions;

However, some people are born with low levels of serotonin, which makes them prone to depression. Such people are more likely to suffer from depression after being affected by external personnel and objects.

3. Ingratiating personality

Everyone's personality has its own characteristics. Some people are naturally self-centered, so they pay more attention to pleasing themselves in dealing with people and affairs;

Some people are very concerned about the eyes of others, so they always hope to do everything in their daily actions, hoping to make people around them very comfortable and happy, but they only ignore themselves. Excessive pressure and emotional depression give depression an opportunity to take advantage of.

4. Lack of exercise

During exercise, the brain will secrete dopamine, endorphin and serotonin, which can make people happier and are very helpful for regulating mood.

People who lack exercise are prone to lack these three substances and are more likely to suffer from depression. Moreover, bad emotions can be relieved while exercising, and people's emotions are easier to relax, which is very helpful to relieve psychological pressure and depression.

5. Relatively sensitive

Nervous people are easy to feel the emotions of people around them, and they are also easy to be disturbed by the emotions of people around them. Over time, they will have a great impact on their emotions, and I will also reject such feelings;

However, this sensitivity is not so easy to get rid of. More people are counterproductive and the situation is more serious, making themselves more sensitive, even neurotic and depressed.

第1个回答  2023-07-12







第2个回答  2022-07-28
第3个回答  2022-07-28