

第1个回答  2010-11-22
I am looking forward to the university. I hope my collage life can be full and rich, and my mind can be filled with knowledge. accodingly, i dram up my plan: firstly, study each subject carfully.secondly, learning about the necessary extra-curricular knowledge.
第2个回答  2010-11-22
I yearn for university, I hope that my college enrich and colorful, can learn much knowledge enrich my brain, so I made my university plans: 1. The earnest study every course, 2. Learn essential extracurricular knowledge,本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2010-11-22
I yearn for university,I hope my university life is substantial and colorful,can learn a lot to enrich myself.So I framed my plan in university:1.learn every course seriously,2.lerarn the extracurricular indispensable.
第4个回答  2010-11-22
I am looking forward with university,I wish I could have a full-filled and wonderful period in university,which I could learn much knowledge to enrich my brain, so I made my university plan:1 work hard with each subject.2 learn out-class knowledge if necessary