

The day I will never forget
It was another day in the station waiting for the train. I hated travelling in train, because every week I had to spend 20 hours on it because of my job. I had liked trains, but in those days I was exhausted of them. I was very sociable and I had met a lot of different people in my journeys, but almost all of them were very bored.

That day it was different. When I arrived to my seat I saw a pretty blonde woman in front of me and we started to talk. It was a wonderful conversation. I could talk to her a lot of different things, because she knew a lot about politics, sports, science, literature and whatever I could imagine.

It was the shortest journey in my life. We spent on the train three hours but I felt it had spent five minutes. Later, we went to have lunch and became very good friends, although we have never fall in love. I was very lucky to meet and get to know that outstanding girl. That one meeting made it a day I will never forget.
第1个回答  2023-06-12
That Day, I Will Never Forget

It was a bright and sunny day, and I had just finished my exams. I was feeling relieved and happy that I could finally relax and enjoy my summer holidays. My friends and I decided to go to the nearby park to unwind and celebrate the end of the school year.

As we were strolling along the park, we noticed a group of children playing and running around. Among them was a young boy who seemed to be struggling to keep up with the others. He had a prosthetic leg and was running with a limp. I felt a pang of sadness for him and wanted to do something to help.

I walked up to the boy and introduced myself. He was shy at first but soon opened up when he realised that we were friendly. I asked him if he wanted to join us and play some games. His face lit up with joy, and he eagerly agreed.

We spent the next few hours playing together and having fun. It was heartwarming to see how the boy forgot his worries and just enjoyed the moments with us. As it was getting late, we said goodbye to him and headed back home.

That day, I learned a valuable lesson about kindness and empathy. I realised that a small act of kindness could make a big difference in someone's life. I felt grateful for the opportunity to have met the little boy and was glad that we could make a positive impact on his day.

Now, whenever I feel down or stressed, I think back to that day, and it brings a smile to my face. It is a memory that I will cherish forever, and I know that I will never forget the joy and happiness that we shared on that sunny day in the park.