

what is the best way to study? this is a very important question.some chinese students often __31__ very hard for long hours.this is a __32__ habit,but it's not a better way to study.an efficient student must __33__ enough sleep,enough food and enough rest.every week you __34__ to go out for a walk or visit friends or some nice places.it's good __35__ your study.when you return to your studies,you'll find yourself __36__ than before and you'll learn more.
maybe you can __37__ that learning English is __38__ taking Chinese medicine.we don't mean it's bitter.we mean that like Chinese medicine,the efficience of your study __39__ slowly but surely.__40__ slowly but surely every day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine.
( )31.A.play B.study C.sleep D.think
( )32.A.worse B.better C.good D.bad
( )33.A.have B.do C.make D.want
( )34.A.want B.hope C.need D.wish
( )35.A.in B.for C.to D.at
( )36.A.weaker B.stronger C.fatter D.thinner
( )37.A.say B.guess C.talk D.know
( )38.A.about B.on C.as D.like
( )39.A.returns B.comes C.gives D.gets
( )40.A.SleepingB.Knowing C.Learning D.Playing

One morning Mr. Green is driving around the county and 1 a small bookshop. When he sees an old man 2 the side of the road, he stops his car and says to the old man, " Excuse me, I want 3 to the Sun Bookshop. Do you know it? "
" Yes," the old man answers, "I 4 you the way. " He 5 Mr. Green 's car, and they drive about twelve miles. 6 they come to a small house, the old man says, " Stop here. " Mr .Green stops and 7 the house. "But this isn 't the 8, " he says to the old man." Right,"the old man answers ."this is my house ,and now I'll show you the 9 to the book-shop. Turn around and go back nine miles. 10 You 'll see the bookshop."

1. A. look for B. looking for C. finding D. find
2. A. on B. in C. at D. by
3. A. go B. goes C. going D. to go
4. A. be going to show B. show C. will show D. am showing
5. A. is getting in B. getting on C. gets into D. gets on
6. A. While B. When C. Before D. After
7. A. looks at B. looks for C. sees D. watches
8. A. shop B. hotel C. sun D. bookshop
9. A. street B. street C. way D. ways
10. A. For B. As C. Then D. On

In 1955, Ray Kroc 46.____ a small restaurant in California. It 47.____ next to the road, so customers(顾客) could drive up to the restaurant and drive away 48.____ .It was owned by the McDonald brothers, Dick and “Mac” .
The McDonald brothers had developed a new idea: “drive-in” restaurant, where people can order food 49.____ their cars.
The restaurant also 50.____ on the number of choices on the menu, so the cooks could make the food very 51.____ .The restaurant specialized(精通) in 52.____ hamburgers, French fries, and chocolate shakes.
Ray Kroc recognized(认识到) the potential(潜能) of the McDonald brothers’ restaurant, and he bought the rights to their idea. Mr. Kroc wanted to 53.____ his own restaurant, and he wanted to use the brothers’ family 54.____ . The brothers agreed, and the McDonald’s restaurant chain() 55.____ .
46. A. opened B. visited C. saw D. had
47. A. builds B. built C. was built D. building
48. A. easily B. slowly C. often D. difficult
49. A. out B. from C. in D. inside
50. A. added B. cut C. added up D. cut down
51. A. slowly B. easily C. quickly D. satisfiedly
52. A. make B. making C. to make D. made
53. A. have B. own C. open D.run
54. A.house B. money C.right D.name
55. A. was born B. came into being(形成) C.appeared (出现)D. opened

The school party will be held on Sep. 30th. Many students like to go to the (56)________. But before the party, the school principal has made many rules for it: the students cannot (57)_________jeans to the party; the students cannot (58)__________ friends from other schools; the students cannot run or (59)__________ at the party. What will happen if they do? They will be asked to leave(60)____ they will not be let in.
( ) 56. A. school B. party C. gym D. meeting
( ) 57. A. put on B. in C. wear D. take off
( ) 58. A. bring B. take C. make D. let
( ) 59. A. sit B. sing C. dance D. shout
( ) 60 .A. or B. and C. but D. so

Thanks for (1) me the snow globe (2) the monster I love it . In fact I think it's probably my favorite. I(3) snow globes for seven years , and now I have 226 of them . My mom says I (4) stop , because we've (5) out of room to store them . They're all around our apartment . I even store them in boxes under my bed . The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my (6) birthday . I particularly love globes (7) animals . I have a big one with bears in it , and (8) one with penguins . If you know anyone else who (9) them , please tell me . I'd like to start a snow globe collectors' club . (10) the way , what's your hobby ?
1.A. to send B. sending C. sent
2.A. at B. with C. of
3.A.have been collecting B. have collect C. collected
4.A.must to B. should C. have to
5. A.ran B. running C. run
6.A.seventh B. seven's C. seven
7.A. with B. of C. in
8.A.other B. the other C. another
9. A.collect B. collected C.collects

I was riding my motorbike along a country road near Chilton on the evening of February 15. I 31 it was about 9:30. It was 32 and I couldn’t see things clearly. So I was driving very 33 , but the road was bad and suddenly my bike 34 a stone, and before I could stop my bike, I was already 35 on the ground. My whole 36 hurt, especially(特别) my left arm. I knew I was bleeding(流血), and I 37 get up. Luckily I was 38 by a policeman. He made a telephone call and I was taken to the 39 . There I was examined. I had a broken arm and lots of cuts. My arm was put in a cast(石膏绷带) and my cuts were 40 and bandaged(包扎).
31. A. told B. said C. guess D. thought
32. A. dark B. far C. long D. later
33. A. fast B. well C. carefully D. carelessly
34. A. kicked B. hit C. beat D. touched
35. A. standing B. sleeping C. waiting D. lying(躺)
36. A. mind B. body C. head D. arm
37. A. couldn’t B. didn’t C. wouldn’t D. might not
38. A. caught B. held C. led D. found
39. A. police station B. village C. doctor D. hospital
40.A. stopped B. repaired C. served D. cleaned

What day is 1 day of the week ? We Chinese may say Monday , because Monday is the first working day in the week . But 2 people have different ideas . They say 3 is the first day of the week . Also , they work only five days a week and have a long 4 : Saturday and Sunday .
People are different 5 many other ways , too . We Chinese put our last names first and our first name last .British and American people put them in the other orders . Chinese people speak Chinese , but British and American people speak English . Chinese eat a lot of 6 . British and American people have a lot of bread and potatoes . Most Chinese ride bicycles , but most British and American people drive 7 .
People write 8 in different ways , too . We Chinese write “November 10 , 2005”as “05 / 11 / 10”, in big -to - small order . But British put it as “ 9 ”, in small - to - big order , and the Americans even write it as “10/ 11 / 05 ”. What a difference !
Do you know any other 10 between us Chinese speaking people and English speaking people .
( )1. A one B first C the first D a first
( )2. A speaking English B English speaking
C English spoken D spoken English
( )3. A Sunday B Saturday C Monday D Tuesday
( )4. A holiday B time C weekday D weekend
( )5. A to B by C in D from
( )6. A bread B crops C rice D corn
( )7. A buses B cars C taxis D bikes
( )8. A dates B days C months D years
( )9. A 05 / 10 / 11 B 10 / 11 / 05
C 05 / 11 / 10 D 11 / 10 / 05
( )10. A different B more different
C differences D difference

Tom did not like doing his homework,because he liked to do some 1 things after school.And his teacher always 2 a lot of mistakes in his homework.
Then one day,his maths teacher 3 at Tom’s homework and saw that he got all his answersright.He was very 4 and surprised(惊奇).The next morning before class,he called Tom 5 his desk and 6 to him,“You got all your homework right this time.Did your father help you?”Sometimes Tom’s father helped him with his homework, 7 this time he didn’t help Tom because he 8 at home.So Tom answered,“NO,Sir.He Was busy last night,so I 9 to do it 10 .”
( )1.A.others B.another C.the other D.other
( )2.A.made B.found C.looked at D.looked
( )3.A.laughed B.knocked C.looked D.saw
( )4.A.please B.pleased C.pleasure D.sad
( )5.A.to B.for C.in D.at
( )6.A.talked B.asked C.spoke D.said
( )7.A.and B.but C.so D.or
( )8.A.isn’t B.won’t be C.wasn’t D.can’t be
( )9.A.wanted B.mustn’t C.liked D.had
( )10.A.itself B.of them C.myself D.himself

Jack lost(丢失)his Job last week. It was difficult for him to find another 1 . 2 told him that it was possible to get a new one in a town two hundred kilometers 3 .He decided to get there 4 .So he went to the railway station and got 5 a train. He was the only one in the car(车厢). The train started. Suddenly a man came in 6 a gun and said to him,“Your money 7 your life!”Jack sat there without 8 up. “I 9 any money,”Jack answered. “Then why are you so afraid of me?”the man asked angrily. “Because I 10 you were the conductor, and I didn’t buy a ticket,”answered Jack. 1、A.work B.jobs C.ones D.one 2、A.Nobody B.Somebody C.Anybody D.No one 3、A.from B.farther C.away D.off 4、A.by bike B.on foot C.by train D.by bus 5、A.off B.on C.up D.to
6、A.with B.has C.have D.there was
7、A.but B.and C.so D.or
8、A.stands B.standing C.stood D.stand 9、A.don’t have B.have no C.didn’t have D.had 10、A.know B.didn’t know C.think D.thought
