

生日:My 12th birthday
I had a gread time during my 12th birthday,I will remember it forever!
In China,12th birthday is very important in a person's life,so my parents prepared it very carefully.
On the morming of that day,when I woke up,a paper fly flow to my bedroom.There is a sentence on it--Happy birthday boy,we wish you happiness forever.
Then I went to the living room,I saw many new presents there.One of them is my favorite book--Harry Potter,I really love it.
At noon,we ate Chinese noodles at a famous restaurant.Noodles are very long,that means wish you live in long life.
We began the party at 6:00pm.I invited my fridends and relatives.We had a great fun,we played games and sang songs until 10:30pm.
What a sweet memory,I really hope every birthday is like this!
第1个回答  2014-01-01
节日:The fifteenth of August, according to the Chinese calendar, is a great festival for the Chinese. It is called the Chinese Moon Festival.
When the Chinese Moon Festival is near, the shop-windows are decorated beautifully with pictures of ancient Chinese ladies. Many moon cakes are displayed for people to buy. People send presents such as wine, fruits and moon cakes to their friends and relatives. On the evening of the day, they have a feast(筵席). After the feast, they go out to the gardens to watch the moon.