
第6课 GMAT 考试
The Graduate Management Admission Council is the non-profit organization responsible for the GMAT.
The council describes the exam as a test of general skills and abilities gained over time.
The test is designed to show how well a student will do in programs leading to a master's of business administration and other degrees.
But the council also says the test is not the only tool that should be used to measure future success in business school. Admissions officers also may consider college grades and other information, like work experience.
The GMAT tests skills including reading, mathematics and writing.
It does not measure knowledge of business or what a person learned in college.
The test is divided into three main parts.
The first is the writing test.
You have to write two essays.
In one, you take a position on an issue and support your position with arguments.
In the other, you consider the reasoning behind a given argument and write about the strengths and weaknesses.
Test-takers have thirty minutes to write each essay.
The math part of the test takes seventy-five minutes.
There are thirty-seven questions involving data and problem solving.
The third part of the GMAT is also seventy-five minutes long.
It measures understanding of written passages and the relationships among ideas.
You have to show reasoning skills and the ability to follow the development of ideas.
There are forty-one questions to answer.
Graduate schools in the United States generally require some kind of admissions test.
Medical schools, for example, require the MCAT -- the Medical College Admission Test.
And law schools require the Law School Admission Test, known as the LSAT.
The score is based on a recorded talk between the student and a test examiner.

研究生入学管理委员会是非营利组织,负责主持. 安理会形容为测试应试技巧和能力得到普遍时日. 试验的目的是显示如何将一个学生在做节目通往硕士营业 行政及其他学位. 但安理会也表示测试不是唯一的工具,应当用来衡量未来成功 在商学院. 高校招生人员也可考虑职等信息,如工作经验. 还在测试的技能包括阅读、数学和写作. 不知道衡量一个人学到什么经商大学. 测试分为三个主要部分. 一是写作测试. 你写两篇. 一、您对一个问题采取立场,并支持你的立场与观点. 在另一方面,你认为背后有一个说法,写长处和弱点. 试验员有三十分钟写每个征文. 数学部份的测试需75分钟. 共有37问题涉及数据和解决问题. 第三部分的纪录也是75分钟. 它理解书面机票和措施之间的关系的想法. 你要显示技巧和推理能力的发展思路走. 共有41解答. 在美国学校毕业一般需要某种招生考试. 医学院,例如规定课件--医学院入学测验. 并要求法学院法学院入学测验,称为末.
第1个回答  2007-02-07