
What is it that you like about sb?如何翻译
还有..."很抱歉这么晚回信" "我想sb已经不在是一个小说中虚构的人物在我的心中" "能介绍你那边的事情么 我非常感兴趣" 这几个句子英语如何翻译?

第1个回答  2007-02-08
1 What is it that you like about sb你到底想让SB怎样?(sb怎样做才能让你满意)

2 很抱歉这么晚回信 sorry to have written back so late ;
3 我想sb已经不在是一个小说中虚构的人物在我的心中
I believe deeply in my heart that sb has no longer been a novel character
4 能介绍你那边的事情么 我非常感兴趣
Would you please introduce(tell) me something arround you there for I am very interested