
你校英文报正在开展以Can disagreement lead to greaterconnection?为题的讨论。请你写一篇短文投稿,谈谈你的看法。注意:写作词数应为80左右。




Disagreement is inevitable in any relationship. However, it doesn't have to be the source of conflict or distance. In fact, it can be an opportunity to deepen our connection with others if we follow these tips:

1. Listen actively and empathetically to the other person's views without interrupting or judging them.

2. Express our own views clearly and respectfully, using "I" statements and avoiding blame or criticism.

3. Seek common ground and mutual understanding, rather than trying to win the argument or change the other person's mind.

4. Agree to disagree if necessary and respect the other person's right to hold a different opinion.

By doing so, we demonstrate that we value the relationship more than being right. We can also learn from each other and appreciate our diversity.



1. 积极倾听并怀有同理心,不打断或评判对方。

2. 清晰、尊重地表达个人观点,使用“我”语句,避免责备或批评他人。

3. 寻求共同点和相互理解,而非争论胜负或改变对方观点。

4. 如有必要,同意保留分歧,尊重对方拥有不同意见的权利。



Disagreement, though often viewed negatively, can actually pave the way for stronger connections. When we engage in healthy debates, it challenges our perspectives and encourages critical thinking. By actively listening to opposing viewpoints, we gain a deeper understanding of others' beliefs and values. This process fosters empathy and respect, ultimately strengthening our relationships. Through disagreement, we learn to appreciate diverse perspectives, promoting open-mindedness and tolerance. While it may initially create tension, respectful disagreement can lead to meaningful dialogue, facilitating a greater connection among individuals and fostering a more inclusive society.




Disagreement serves as a catalyst for growth and connection. When we respectfully challenge each other's ideas, we encourage intellectual exploration and innovation. Engaging in constructive debates allows us to broaden our horizons, consider alternative perspectives, and find common ground. By embracing disagreement, we foster a culture of inclusivity and collaboration, where diverse voices are valued. Disagreement, when handled with empathy and open-mindedness, becomes a stepping stone towards greater understanding and connection. Let us embrace the power of disagreement and harness it to bridge divides and foster meaningful connections in our communities.




首先,你要理解题目的要求,明确你写作的目的和对象。这个题目是让你谈谈你对Can disagreement lead to greater connection? 这个问题的看法。你要想清楚,你是想支持这个观点,还是反对这个观点,或者是持中立态度。你也要考虑,你的文章是给谁看的,是你的老师,同学,还是其他人。这样,你才能选择合适的语气,风格和内容。



